Artoria Pendragon (Saber) X Male Reader

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Artoria Pendragon, also known as King Arthur or the King of Knights. Everyone knows the story, but there's one thing that was left out. It was her lover, her second in command, and friend from her childhood. A story of Y/n L/n and Artoria Pendragon.

3rd Pov

Y/n is seen walking around in his armor and his sword at his side blood dripping from the blade. His sword is one that only the king was said to be able to wield, the holy sword, Excalibur.

Guard: Sir Y/n! The king has requested to see you as soon as possible.

Y/n: Very well.

With a nod towards the guard Y/n leaves towards the castle walls of Camelot. Raising Excalibur in his hand before putting it in a custom sheath he made.

Y/n: May not hold the power that Excalibur's sheath has, but this will do for now.

Walking to the castle Y/n sees many people chatting and smiling with kids running around playing and having fun. The sight puts a smile to his face before he stops and looks down to see a young boy. Y/n kneels down to him liking him directly in the eye.

Y/n: Hello there young one. Is there something I can do for you?

Boy: You're Y/n right? One of the strongest Knights of the Round Table?

Y/n: That's me. Are you wanting to be one when you grow up?

The boy nods his head before having a hand hold his head down rubbing his hair.

Y/n: It's not as easy as we make it look. If you want to become one I won't stop you, but make sure you grow big and strong and train a lot. When you're ready, you'll be a knight one day I promise you.

The boy smiles before running off. Y/n gets up and continues to the castle soon reaching the inside.

Y/n: You called for me?

Artoria: Yes, although, we need to speak in private. Your room will suffice.

Artoria gets up from her throne before walking to Y/n's room with him following close behind. When they enter Artoria closes the door and immediately wraps her arms around him.

Artoria: I've missed you my love.

Before Y/n can speak he's immediately pulled into a passionate kiss. Their tongues battle for dominance before they pull away panting for breath.

Y/n: I've missed you to, my love. With you being king and me a knight we barely have time to show our love for each other.

Artoria sits on the bed before she pulls Y/n down with her.

Artoria: That's why I cherish moments like these. We can show our love without anyone saying anything.

Artoria brings Y/n in for another kiss wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. The kids goes on until they're forced for air.

Y/n: You want another heir?

Artoria: We can always make sure that their is someone to take over the throne.

Y/n: Who am I to deny my king?

The two lovers kiss again before it turns lustful. The passion that they've missed from each other. Their touch making the other want more and more as time goes on.

Artoria: How I missed your touch.

Fate X Male Reader Where stories live. Discover now