Chapter 5

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I didn't sleep, I was counting down the days. It was my first instinct to take care of my son but maybe if I did it properly in the first place then I wouldn't be in this situation now. My phone vibrated against the glass of water on my cabinet. A new message. 

From: James

6 days. 

How could a person do this? Especially someone who I thought was my friend. If I never took that first crack rock off him then I wouldn't be in this mess. I would still have a job and a stable emotional state. My son was my top priority and I would do anything for him to live a life that was not full of drugs. I wanted him to stay in school, get a job and eventually settle down and make a family and that wasn't going to happen with him growing up knowing his dad was a drug addict. I didn't plan on becoming an addict, it just happened. I didn't want to ruin my life, I knew what the drugs were going to do to me and what they do to other people. But, when it came to someone telling me that my son would 'get it' if I didn't kill a family, then I had to put some form on consideration into being a murderer. I didn't want to be but it wasn't a case of wanting, it was a case of needing. 

It was Wednesday, I had five days left. Jodie was at work and Ryan was at school so I pulled out a pen and paper and started writing a plan. I couldn't do it when I was looking after Ryan, it was too much of a risk. He was staying at his Grandma's on Friday so I guessed I could do it then. That would give me two days.

9.30pm Wednesday the 11th September 2013 


possible screaming and one might get away


loud noise neighbours would hear


people would see and valuables would be burnt



I couldn't think of how to do it, and worst of all I couldn't think of a wealthy family to kill. I got in my car and drove back to where I used to live. I drove through the town looking left right and center. I finally found a red bricked house with an amazing driveway which led to the garage surrounded by cherry blossoms. I stopped my car outside the gates and stared for a while. There was balcony's coming out of every room and the porch was magnificent. It was amazing and quite evidently, whoever bought it had a lot of money. I drove to the other side of the road and parked outside of the shop, I sat and waited for someone to turn up so I could see who lived there. After sitting and waiting for a while, no one turned up so I searched the address of the house on Google where I found that it was a three bedroom house which made me expect at least three people. There were no houses attached to this one so maybe a knife would be the best way to kill them. I had to do it, I had no other option except to let my son die and I wasn't going to do that. 

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