Hanging with the couples

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~ the next day~

❤️Summer's POV❤️

Today Kian desided for all six of us to hang out. Kian called Jc and Sam and told them when i was about to call Alexa Kian told me that she was with Sam. Hmm werid "Guess what Sam asked Alexa out yesterday!" Kian screamed while sitting next to me "Really?! Thats so cute!" i screamed " I know right girl!" Kian scred back in a high pitched girl tone i just laughed." Hey wat about Jc and Alex are they going out?" "Nop Jc doesnt have the courage to ask her hes scared that she will say no" he sayed "well he shouldnt be scared because Alex told me that every time they hang she feels sparks and she juast wants him to ask her out" " ill talk to him later today its just me u and our friends" he sayed

❤️Alex's POV❤️

Sam asked Alexa to be his girlfriend and honestly they make the cutes couple ever. I am in the kitchen makeing myself some panckaes when my iphone started to ring.

Phone convo~




"Hey gurl what you up to?"




"Mmm can i come over?"


"Shure are u going to want some pancakes?"




"Kay see u soon!"

With that he hung up and i kept on makeing the pancakes. When i was done Jc came barging threw the door. "Im home!" He yelled "In here dude!" i yelled back. He walked in and gave me a long hug and we sat on the table and started to eat.

*Ring Ring*

It was Jcs phone. "Hello? oh hey! yea shure well be there. Yea shes here with me... No i havent ... No no just stop well be there! ok bye." was all he sayed and hung up. "What happened?" "Oh it was Kian he invited us to hang out" "oh and wat havent you done?" I asked with an eyebrow up. "Umm he asked me if... I had taken his favorite hat and i sayed that i havent" he sayed i just nodded and kept eatting my pancakes.

After a while he told me if i needed to change because i was still in my pjs. "Umm yea but can u help me choose i liked what u choosed for me yesterday" i sayed "Shure id love too" he sayed walking into my room

What Jc choosed for me was some black and white striped pants with a plain white shirt with a little pocket in the left side. For shoes he got me some black high heeled shoes. I got in the restroom changer added mascara and eyeliner then put on some clear lipblam then curled my hair. When i walked out Jc had a grey bandana in his hands and told me to put it on. "I love your sense of style Jc" "Well you know i do have the best style in Our2ndLife" he sayed holding in his laugh "Come on mr.great style were going to be late" i sayed laughing

❤️Kian's POV❤️

We were going to starbucks then to watch a movie. I had choosen starbucks and Alexa called and sayed she wanted to go to the movies.

"Hey there Sam & Alexa how u been" i sayed walking into satbucks. "Hey Kian im fine how bout u and Summer u guys fine?" "Yea were doing great!" i sayed smileing and looking over at Summer

We talked for a couple of minutes more then Jc & Alex came in hand in hand. Yass i think he finally did it. "Hey live birds why so tougether?" I sayed with a smirk "oh umm nothing i just grabed her hand because i saw two guys looking at her very strage" he sayed "yea i got scared and Jc noticed so he grabed my hand and the two dudes left i guess Jc scared them off" she sayed looking over at Jc and smileing at him.

"Aww but you to make a cute couple Alex!" sayed Summer "Thanx But umm nothings going on with us" she answerd "not yet Jc wispered in my ear as he walked by and i flashed a big smile and he returned it.

❤️Jc's POV❤️

I have been wanting to ask Alex out but i want to get her something special first so she can remember that day forever. So tomorrow i am going to loom for something at the mall and im going to take her so i can see what she likes. But right now were at the movies.

"Lets watch a scary movie yea?" I sayed they all nodded and we got into the movie theater.

Half way threw the movie i looked over at Sam and Alexa they were smochin' and so were Kian and Summer. Then suddenly came out a scary face and Alexa screamed and grabed my hand tight. "Hey dont worry im here" i sayed hugging her "umm ok but can u hold my hand im still scared" she sayed i nodded and grabed her hand.

When we got out the movie theater me and Alex were still holding hands. So were Sam & Alexa and Kian & Summer.

When we got out it was poring rain so i gave Alex my sweater she denided it at first but i insisted so she aceppted it. We whent to the boys and my house because it was the closest and we all lent the girls cloathes for them to change into.

"Here wear this and use my restroom" i told her handing her some a huge sweater. She took a quick shower and came out with the sweater but she was pulling it down "umm u want some boxers i have new one" "umm yea i just need them to cover my undies" she sayed blushing a bit "here and dont be shy its ok" she put them in fast

"Wanna watch a movie?" i asked Alex she nodded and crawled on the bed and crossed her feet while i was takeing out a movie "wich one?" "ROBOTS!!" she screamed "ok chill" she giggled and walked in the restroom. After a while she cuddled in my arms and fell asleep soon after i was sleeping to.

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