Good Morning Captain Levi!

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Squad Levi always took turn waking up Captain Levi up every morning. No one wanted to actually wake the grumpy man up during the morning because you got something thrown at you.

But when Eren became a member of the Squad, all of them prayed that Eren could run like the wind because they didn't want him losing a body part just because Captain Levi couldn't handle being disturbed in the morning.

But when Eren's time came, and it was his turn to wake the Captain up he made them all scrape their jaws on the stone floor.

Eren had calmly walked into the Mess Hall with Captain Levi and tow, still looking tired and pissed, mind you. But still, they hadn't heard any screaming or yelling or anything being thrown, so they were shocked when both came in looking like normal.

The breakfast had a tense atmosphere, except between Captain Levi and Eren and they all wondered what Eren had done that made Captain Levi so calm in the morning.

When Captain Levi decided to take his leave to meet with Commander Erwin they all pounced on Eren asking him how he had done it.

"How did you manage to wake the Captain up without making him angry at you?" Petra asked with a curious voice and Oluo just glared at Eren like always.

"Yeah! He is never that silent in the morning!" Eld said with a big grin giving Eren a friendly thump on the back as tanks to keeping the Captain calm.

"Can you do it every morning?" Gunther said with a hopeful look making them all look at him with pleading eyes.

"I did nothing special, you told me to wake him and I did. And I don't really see the big deal? But yeah, sure I can wake him again tomorrow if you want." He said with an adorable smile making all of the but Oluo coo at how cute he looked.

When Eren left to begin his daily tasks they all came to the agreement to see what Eren did differently when waking up the Captain.

Oluo just said that Eren was lucky and caught Captain Levi on a good day and Petra hit him, making him bite his tongue in the process. She never likes how Oluo always bad mouthed Eren, he had never done anything to deserve that kind of treatment from a person that is supposed to protect him if things came to it.


When the next day came they all followed Eren in silence, the boy no wiser of what his squad members were up to. They were a bit surprised when he didn't make his way to the Captains room first, instead, he made his way to the Kitchen and started making tea.

They all looked on in confusion when he prepared all of it and put it on a tray and made his way over to Captain Levis room.

They all were standing behind a corner and spied on their youngest member. All of them were there except Oluo, he had snorted and said, while it would be fun to see Captain beat the hell out of the kid again, he had better things to do. That had earned him a hit from Petra again and some glares from the others.

They all freaked a little when they saw that Eren didn't even bother to knock on the door. Instead, he just balanced the tray with an impressive control and opened the door.

They were lucky because when they crept closer they saw that the door was ajar and they peaked inside.

Eren had now made his way over to the lump on the soft bed that was Captain Levi. They all were nervous for him and didn't really know if they wanted to save to kid from doing something stupid and be punished, or just wait to see what he was about to do. The second opinion won and they all crammed together to be as small as possible and invisible as possible, not wanting Captain Levi to see them and throw his swords after them.

Good Morning Captain Levi!Where stories live. Discover now