Synopsis: The Psycho Is Innocent

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S  Y  N  O  P  S  I  S

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S  Y  N  O  P  S  I  S

          Psychosis: a condition that disrupts a person's thoughts and perceptions that make it difficult to recognize what is real and what isn't.

          Psychopathy: a neuropsychiatric disorder marked by deficient emotional responses, lack of empathy and or poor behavioural controls, commonly resulting in persistent antisocial deviance and criminal behaviour.

          Antisocial personality disorder/Sociopathy: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behaviour and a lack of conscience.


A year ago, Ariel Campbell was a simple girl until she met a not so simple boy. When Tobias Aspen is arrested on suspicion of double homicide, Ariel must grapple with the fact that her life as she knew it would forever change in a whirlpool of gruesome murders, blackmail, betrayal and lost trust. She ventures on a quest to prove that the only guy she loved wasn't the bloody murderer everyone thought him to be whilst also piecing unmatched puzzles together as she tries to unravel the mystery behind who Tobias Aspen truly is.

"Seventeen-year-old Tobias Aspen was arrested a week after the remains of fifteen-year-old Kayla Mammoliti and Seventeen-year-old Maria Jensen of Manchester Central High School were discovered in a ditch--"

She watched silently as his image flickered across the television. The dim lights flashed across her face and filled the dark room with a soft glow. Ariel Campbell twirled a strand of her red hair around her long fingertips and bit her lip harshly as his mugshot flickered across her dilated dark irises. She frowned, clutching onto the strands of her hair tight enough to rip it from her scalp as her hot scorching blood boiled up from beneath her skin.

She was going to find a way to prove his innocence and free him from the grasps of this corrupted justice system.

She was going to prove that the psycho was innocent.

No matter what it took.

D  I  S  C  L  A  I  M  E  R

Firstly I'd just like to say that this story has VERY LONG chapters, some chapters may be up to 3000 words so if you're one of those people who tend to skim through a paragraph you think isn't important to get to the 'important' part, I suggest you just don't read my book. Period. Because I wanna give my readers the full experience and every paragraph in this book counts. So if you know you're one of those readers I suggest you skedaddle.

   This story is my very first try at a Mystery and Thriller. It was inspired by a mystery story that I read back in November and this plot just popped up into my head and I was like Oh my gosh I need to write this down and type it up before I forget it. Now welcome! I am an amateur when it comes to vivid writing and third person omniscient point of view but I think it'll suit this story perfectly. This story won't be perfect so mind the grammar errors and feel free to give me constructive Criticism.

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