Chapter 37: Confessions

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I ANTICIPATED THIS. A part of me knew that Parker wasn't as gullible as I portrayed him to be. He knew of my plan from the very beginning yet still took the risk to play along just so he and Evelyn could execute their own plan. To say I'm shocked is an understatement. It's one thing to blackmail me and sabotage my chances of finding a perpetrator for Maria and Kayla's murder but it's something else to try murdering me.

Who knows what would have happened if I didn't hear Evelyn moving around in that closet? I'm not big on safety, hence why I jumped at the chance to catch Parker with the notion that we were all alone. However, I'm smarter than that. I knew one way or the other this night would have gone south so I came prepared for plan B.

Now it's just time to execute it.

I flickered my eyes open and squinted as they began to readjust to the dimly lit room. The smell of burnt wood and sweat wafted across my face. Although it was a stomach-churning scent I still managed to tolerate it. I didn't have much of a choice. I raised a hand to my head as it began to throb once again. The pulsating waves of pain should have knocked me out by now.

I don't know how I managed to stay on my feet after Evelyn hit me with the bat in my head but here I am still living and breathing. I guess the adrenaline pumping through me numbed the pain. When it wears off I'm in for a rude awakening, aren't I? "Hmmm," Evelyn groaned from before me. The chair screeched against the hardwood floor as she began to stir awake. Parker who sat right beside her began to rouse courtesy of her noise making.

After Evelyn hit me with the bat I punched her in the face. That allowed me to grab the bat out of her hand and with that I gave her a taste of her own medicine. However, her body wasn't as resistant to pain as mine was and she passed out. Parker hadn't awakened yet from the time I hit him over the head with his lamp so just to be sure I placed a chloroform cloth over both their noses so they'd stay sleeping for longer.

"You guys are finally awake huh? You know your attempt to kill me was pathetic. I mean you passed out because I hit you with a lamp and you're such a weak bitch you went down with one hit to the head. If you ask me that was an epic fail." I outstretched my fingers to resemble an L and hovered it above my forehead to tease them. Evelyn and Parker's eyes swung open.

She looked around the room, her eyes wide. "Wh–what the hell is this?" Parker rasped, his voice panicked as he stared down at his restraints. Evelyn followed his gaze and when she realized that they were bounded to the chair, she began to panic as well. "I learnt to tie knots during summer camp so you won't be able to get out of them. Trying will just burn out your energy and you both will need a lot of that."

"H-How the hell did we end up here? Where is this place?" Parker babbled groggily as his head continued to sway from side to side. I guess I hit him over the head too hard or he inhaled too much chloroform. Oh well, sucks to suck. "Oh you mean how did you try to kill me but you failed because you really are the dumbass I thought you were and I turned on you? Don't worry I'm getting to that."

         Evelyn raised her head and seeing as she sat right under the hanging lightbulb, I could clearly see the tears trickling down her cheeks. Well, she wasn't crying before so why would she possibly cry now? I mean. . .I haven't done anything but take revenge and rightfully so. "Please let us go, Ariel."

Pathetic. I can't believe she's crying. I actually had faith that the person she showed me for the past few days was who she truly is. But Evelyn is just a scared girl looking for validation in all the wrong ways. Such a disappointment. "Oh, you don't seem so tough now huh?" She tore her now hardened gaze away from me and glared at Parker who was fighting against his restraints beside her. "This is your fault! You wanted to kill her not me! I just wanted my best friend back but your ego is so big all you wanted was revenge!"

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