Life and Death

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A teenage stood on a rooftop. She came up to the apartment rooftop to stand on the parapet. She was hoping to get an answer up here. Would she see the light of tomorrow's sunrise, or would she meet the sidewalk thirty stories bellow. In her mind, life and death go hand in hand. People are born, they go about a meaningless life, then everyone dies. Eventually. Life robs people of their control and freewill, forcing them to partake in it's agonisingly long duration. Tugging everyone along to suffer the expectations crushing down on others. The simple right to be ones self is encouraged and scrutinised on all at the same time. Life was exhausting. Death was the sweet release of that pain. That, in her opinion, was the only real choice people had in life. To chose when they want to die. Old age? Naturally? Pills? A noose? A bullet? A knife? Cleaning products? Fast cars? The options are endless.

Death means release.

A sudden gust of wind rushed past her, nearly knocking her off balance. As she teetered on the edge, her heart raced before stopping completely for a moment. Breathing deeply, she took in everything around her. She knew that if she took one last step, that would be final. Forever.

Satisfied in her decision, she took her last breath. Breathing in deep and true. She would finally be free. Free of life's terrible grip it had on her. One last step and she would be held in death's warm embrace. One last step.

The sudden voice made her spin around, shocked that the noise was coming from behind her. As she completed her one eighty turn, she was greeted by a mysterious cloaked figure that stared at her. It had obscure horns coming out from under its hood and it levitated in the air over the drop she was about to partake. Tears slipped down her face as she laid eyes upon it. She was suddenly overcome with a sense of fear, loss, and even more emptiness than she thought she had been feeling. The small upwards movement of the hood suggested that it looked upon her.

"You are early." It drawled each word with a low, gravely, and deep voice. She deduced that the thing before her was male from the way it spoke. The jaw of the thing, that she could barely see from under the hood of it's cloak, didn't open as it spoke. It remained still. Instead, the words rang in her head rather then emirate from its mouth. She was too overcome with powerful negative emotions to be confused.

"Who are you?" The sudden onslaught of emotions caused her voice to strain. The light streamed across it's face as another gust of wind pushed it's hood open slightly. She could have let out a scream that could have curdled blood, however fear kept her voice weak and silent. The thing floating before her reeked of bile, sulphur, and blood. It almost made her empty the constants if her stomach onto the street bellow. It raised a cloaked arm and the fabric slid over its hand. Her mind raced as she staggered backwards and stared at its hand. The "appendage" was nearly bones and was attached only by air. It confused her to no end. The digits curled and it pointed at her with a bone finger.

"You are an hour early." Hearing the thing's voice in her head made her skin crawl. What was it?

"E-early?" She stuttered very softly as it slowly lowered its hand. It stopped by its side and a large weapon materialised out of nothing in his hand. "Who are you?!" She screamed at the thing, terrified to hear the answer. Her heart rate impossibly fast.

"I am Death." The deep, rumbling voice rolled around in her head so loud it almost gave her a headache. The words finally registered in her and she staggered back. She leaned forward to keep from falling back onto the roof. As she stabilised herself. She pieced everything together but something still didn't fit.

"What am I early for?" Death stayed silent for a moment before "speaking up".

"I can not say." The words boomed in her head like gun shots. She cringed and pushed the pain aside. Daring to stare death down, she squared up and looked death in the eye. The skull face with deep, hallow, black pits for eyes stared her back.

"Can't, or won't?" She reeled in her confidence for just a moment before immediately shrinking back in on herself.

"Both." A canon fired in her head as Death raised the volume of his voice. Suddenly terrified of dying, the girl shook her head and more tears slipped down her cheeks.

"No. I'm not going to die toady." She tried to step away from it but opened it's arms and rushed towards her in a blur of black and smoke.

"You can't refuse me!" Her head felt so full and throbbed with pain. She cringed again and a low devilish laugh sounded in her head. She screamed silently as Death slowly raised his weapon so that it barely touched the back of her neck. Her hair stood on end as the cool metal slowly pressed to her neck. Death stopped inches from her face and his deep, rumbling, voice sounded in her brain. The foul odour he carried invaded her nostrils, making the pain in her head intensify.

"You can not refuse me. You can not escape me. You can not run from me. You can not hide from me. You will die and I will collect your soul. I am Death. Everyone will meet me and die." As she blinked, Death had disappeared. The last word still echoing in her head. Even as the putrid stench of Death vanished along with it.
A warm substance slowly slipped down her face from her eyes and nose. Touching just under her eyes, she examined it in the dark light of the night. She rubbed her fingers against her thumb. It was blood. She was crying blood. With her sight fading, her eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed backward into a heap on the roof.


Opening her eyes slowly, she regained consciousness. With a groan, she pushed herself into as upright position. She looked around and found herself still on the roof, but the temperature had dropped dramatically and the sky was dark. Heaving a sigh, she pulled her knees to her chest and rested her forehead on her knees. What had that meeting with Death meant? Was she going to die? How? When? Her mind raced as she tried to piece the answers together. Something warm and bright approached her slowly. Raising her head to lazily see who or what was there. She instantly lost her breath to the sight before her.

A short and beautiful woman who's dainty feet never touched the ground, with her hair flowing like a calm river to her hips. Her porcelain skin flowed as if the sun itself was radiating from her. The beautiful crown that adorned her head was made of flowers, twigs, and leaves. Her robes were torn looking, yet they were beautiful nonetheless. Her eyes were completely stark white and full of life. Her lips were plump and a beautiful, natural, pink colour.

She "knelled" next to the terrified girl. They raised a hand and the girl didn't move an inch. The being wiped the dried blood off of her face and a voice sounded in her head, but this time it was like a blanket of the finest silk over her mind.

"Hello there." The breathtaking beings voice was a lovely sound after that of Deaths.

"Hi." The girl's voice was a little raspy but still clear. She spoke quietly as she sat now cross legged in front of the being.

"You must be confused and startled, dear child." After a small nod of conformation from the girl, the stunning lady continued. "My name is Life." Life smiled at the young girl, revealing her perfect, pearly, teeth.

"Y-you're Life?!" The girl stuttered again and stared in awe at the woman before her very eyes.

"I am. I assume that you have met my counter part Death?" A vigorous head nodding gave the woman her answer. "Well that would explain a lot . . . would you like me to get rid of your pain, dearest?" The girl had hardly noticed the throbbing and pressured feeling in her head. Groaning, she nodded again but slower than before.

The girl muttered a plea and Life placed her ring fingers on the girls temples. The touch of life was almost indescribable. It was warm, soft, and gentle. It could almost be described as receiving a kiss from a rose that had been soaking up the sun all day. She could feel the pain being sucked up into her head and out into Life's fingers. Once the pain was gone, Life pulled her fingers back and cupped her hands. A horrid black liquid filled Life's hands and the girl smelt the same smell of Death.

Life touched her lips to the top of the strange liquid and breathed into it. The liquid changed from black and smelling like Death, and she watched it transform. From where Life's lips touched the substance, white ripples through until all of it was a thick white colour, almost like silky milk. Life poured the substance over the girl and she held her breath and waited for the wet feeling, but when she opened her eyes to find that a thin veil was slowly falling over her. She looked around confused as to where the white liquid went. The veil felt like butterflies on her skin as it slowly seeped through her skin. She slowly started to feel energetic and joyful for the first time in years. Sighing in relief with tears in her eyes, the girl looked up at Life.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." A small sob slipped from her lips as she felt that emptiness within her fill up. She no longer felt that horrible grip life had once had on her. It was now a reassuring hand on her shoulder, guiding her on.

"It was no burden, dear." Life smiled down at the girl and rose to her feet. She offered a hand to the girl, which she took gladly. "I must go now. There are others in need of my assistance from Death's presence." The girl tried to repress the memories she had of Death upon hearing it's name. "Fear not, my dear. For if Death returns, so shall I. I am always by your side. Farewell." As she blinked Life disappeared.

The girl took a moment to try and process everything that just happened. She met Death and Life. Personally. She didn't even think Life and Death were people, or things, that existed they way they did. Taking in a deep breath, she straightened and felt something warm seep through her clothes and warm her skin. She turned to find the sun was rising. Smiling, she climbed down the fire escape thinking to herself.

Life is too short to not appreciate all it can give us. Life is a beautiful gift we should cherish. It allows us to be close with one another. It gives us the freedom to express ourselves and share that with others. Life allows us to do good for the world.

Life is worth living. 

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