Homecoming Game

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*The winners are about to be announced for the Homecoming

Announcer:Listen up everyone we are about to announce our Homecoming Queen and King drum roll please.....the Homecoming King is Tracy Billingsley
Airi:ok y'all I have to win 😬
Announcer:The Homecoming Queen is drum roll please.....Airionna Lynch
Airi:omg *smiling with excitement
Tray:*walks Airi onto the field congratulations I was hoping you'd get to be my Queen
Airi:me too 😏
*That Night Everyone goes out to celebrate they meet a new boy who becomes apart of the group
King:So where do y'all wanna go?
Airi:Let's go to Juicy Crab then to the Jump Park
Everyone:yea I agree
*They all make it to the the restaurant
Tray:Me and Airi gone get our own table we'll see y'all in the car
*Tray and Airi sit down at their table

Airi:So you know that question you asked me the other night?
Airi:I've made up my mind and I think it's time we both stop playing and I would love to be your girlfriend
Tray:*smiles nonstop I- I- I'm speechless this is all I ever wanted babygirl or I guess now I can call you baby or bae
Airi:yea... baby😏 so Carmen and Corey are having a gender reveal next week you wanna go together
Tray:of course bae

*The crew makes it to the jump park King meets a new guys and introduces him to the group

Austin:your dance moves are really good I also dance
King:o yea bro let me see what you got
Austin:*dances for about 3 minutes
King:o you fire bro you gotta teach me some of those moves
Austin:ok bro
King:So you attend school round here?
Austin:nah I just moved down here I start Monday
King:come over here and meet my friends you can hang with us if you down
Austin:fasho nice to meet y'all I'm Austin
King:yea this my new friend Austin he dances just like me
Everyone:Nice to meet you *engages in conversation

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