The Nursemaid

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“I can’t believe you managed to injure both of your hands on the same day.” Hoseok’s girlfriend, Sophie, stifled a laugh while she said it. “I can’t tell if you are dumb or just unlucky.”
 Jimin sighed.  He had been stupid and drunk when he and Jungkook went out into the street to play with fireworks.  One went off too close to his hand, burning his right palm requiring a trip to the emergency room where his injury was cleaned and bandaged.  The doctor gave him a lecture about drunk people and explosives and how fortunate he was not to have blasted off his fingers.            
While exiting the hospital, Jimin immediately tripped over the curb and landed with his full weight onto his left hand resulting in a small fracture and return trip to the emergency room to get a splint to immobilize his other hand.   Now, every time Jimin saw someone, he had to suffer the embarrassment of explaining what happened. People had a hard time not laughing when they heard how he managed to get hurt twice in one day.
 “Does it hurt much?” you asked him.
“Not really. As long as I don’t bump into anything or use my fingers too much, it’s okay.” At least you seemed to be genuinely concerned about his well-being. That’s one of the reasons Jimin liked you, you always seemed caring and sincere.  The other main reason he liked you was because he thought you were incredibly hot.  There were plenty of nights Jimin stayed up fantasizing about what it would feel like to be with you.  He wanted to ask you out, but had been waiting until there was some indication that you were even the slightest bit interested in him.  He was starting to think that maybe he had a chance with you, but he felt neutered with his injuries, unable to do things like casually touch you and see how you would respond to his advances.  Jimin resolved to make a move as soon as he had full use of his hands again.
When his roommate, Hoseok, first started dating Sophie, Jimin was annoyed by how often she was over at the apartment.  Sophie was brash and a little crude, made herself a bit too comfortable in Jimin’s home.  But once he discovered that you were Sophie’s roommate and that you would occasionally tag along to just hang out, Jimin learned to tolerate Sophie a lot better.  Anything that kept you coming by was worth it.
“It’s good that your fingers aren’t bandaged as well.  Are you able to use them to grip things?”  You leaned over to take a closer look at Jimin’s hands, causing your blouse to fall open a little and allowing Jimin to peek inside and see the curve of your breasts encased in a lacy pink bra.
Jimin surreptitiously slid one of the throw pillows from the couch onto his lap to prevent the growing tingling feeling between his legs from becoming visible to you or the others in the room.  “I can’t really do anything that requires much strength to grip, like, I have to use both hands to hold onto a glass of water or turn a doorknob.  Anything that requires actual manual dexterity is a lost cause.”
You were close enough to Jimin that he could smell you; it was a clean scent, soap and water, the faint lavender of your shampoo.  He liked that you didn’t wear heavy perfume like some girls did – instead, you smelled fresh and pure.  It almost made Jimin feel guilty for the constant dirty thoughts he had about you… almost.  
“That must be difficult.  Are you able to dress yourself or does Hoseok have to help you?” you asked.
 “Hell no!  He does that on his own!” Hoseok responded loudly from his seat in an armchair across the room.  Sophie was sitting in his lap, her arms around his neck and Hoseok’s arm wrapped loosely around her waist.  As irritating as they could be, Jimin had to admit he was a little jealous of their public displays of affection.  He would do anything to have you sitting in his lap right now.
“I’m just wearing sweats and tee-shirts for now.  Stuff I can pull on easily.  It’s kinda bad how sloppy I look all the time.”
“I don’t think you look sloppy, you just look casual.  Since you’re a good-looking guy, you can get away without having to be dressed nice all the time,” you advised him. 
Jimin’s heart beat a little faster at the compliment.  Were you flirting with him or just being nice?  He couldn’t help himself but to look at your lips and think about how soft they looked and how nice it would feel to kiss them.  Then his eyes traveled to your neck, mentally tracing a line from your ear to your collarbone, wondering what it would be like to run his tongue over your skin.  He held the pillow in his lap a little tighter.
 “What I want to know,” Sophie said, “is how do you jerk off?”
Hoseok burst into a fit of laughter at his girlfriend’s audacious question.  Jimin closed his eyes and shook his head, he could feel his face heat up, a combination of embarrassment and irritation.
“Jesus! Sophie, how can you ask such a thing!” You admonished your roommate, glaring at her for asking something so crass.
 “What? No one else here is wondering the same thing?” Sophie looked around at everyone as she spoke.  “Just because you don’t have the guts to ask the question doesn’t mean you weren’t curious.  His hands are all wrapped up so he can’t be whacking off the traditional way and he doesn’t have a girlfriend to help him out, so it’s got to suck unless he’s got some other method to get himself off.” 
 “I’ll be fine, but thanks for your concern,” Jimin responded sarcastically.  The truth was that he hadn’t been able to masturbate for the past three days since the accident and he was starting to feel a little desperate, realizing it might be weeks before he had adequate use of his hands again.  Just last night, he had been on the internet looking at different sex toys and wondering what would be the best thing to buy to make things easier on himself.  The only reason he didn’t make a purchase was because he wouldn’t have been able to open the box without assistance.
 “It’s too bad you don’t live in Japan.  I was watching this documentary thing the other day and they have these services for physically disabled people where you can have a trained nurse come to your house and give you a handjob.  They showed this guy who has cerebral palsy or something getting it done to him.  Like a medically necessary ejaculation or whatever.  You need something like that.”  Sophie pointed to Jimin for emphasis.
 “That’s some crazy shit you’re watching, babe.” Hoseok pulled his girlfriend in closer to him. “Are you sure you weren’t just watching a porno?”
 “It’s not like they actually showed his dick on the show or anything, but they filmed the whole set up and interviewed him and the nurse lady.  It was all very professional,” she insisted.  “I mean, it’s not a bad idea… it would be terrible to never be able to get yourself off when you need to.  At least for girls, we can just grind against a pillow or something if our hands aren’t working, but for a guy it’s different.”
 “Nah.  It’s not all that different.  If a guy really wants to, he can get off by rubbing his dick against something, like grinding it against the mattress or a pillow.  It’s not the best way, but it’s totally doable.” Hoseok and Sophie were now in their own world, just casually discussing hands free masturbation techniques without regard to Jimin or you.
 “Can we please stop talking about this!” you interjected forcefully, trying to change the subject.  “I did not come all the way over here to talk about people jerking off!”
 Hearing you yell made Jimin smile to himself.  You were normally so calm, it was a special occasion to see you get flustered, your ears getting darker as you heated up with frustration.  He wondered if that happened when you got excited about other things, too.  Jimin could hear you arguing, but he couldn’t really focus on what was being said.  Having you close by was too much of a distraction and he found himself gazing at you while your attention was on Sophie who had just called you a prude.  You were gesturing vehemently with your hands while trying to make a point and the motion caused your breasts to bounce enticingly.  
 Jimin’s mouth began to water and the warmth in his groin started to spread.  He was grateful for that pillow in his lap, especially since he had elected not to wear any underwear today and his sweatpants did little to conceal any signs of arousal.  When he finally looked away from you, he saw Hoseok staring at him, grinning knowingly.  
 “Girls, girls!” Hoseok interrupted their argument. “What exactly was it that brought you over here in the first place?  Not that you aren’t always welcome.”
 “It was her idea, really,” Sophie said while pointing in your direction.  “She thought we could come by and help out since Jimin is hurt, especially since my Hoseok here is domestically impaired.”
 “Really?  That’s nice of you.” Jimin was flattered and made a mental note that it had been your suggestion, hoping that this was a further sign that you would be receptive when he finally got around to asking you on a date.
 “Yeah, I thought we could run some errands, maybe do your laundry, cook dinner tonight, things like that.”  
 “You don’t have to do that, you know.  It’s just nice enough that you thought of me,” Jimin replied shyly.
 “Don’t turn her down!” Hoseok argued. “I’ve heard she’s a really good cook and I’m tired of eating take out every night.”
 Jimin laughed.  “Okay, in that case, I would love to have a home cooked meal.  But we don’t have much food in the house – unless you can make something out of a case of beer and potato chips.”
 “I guess that means our first errand will be doing some grocery shopping for you.” You smiled brightly at him, “Is there anything you have a particular taste for?”
 “I’m not picky.  Anything will be fine.  Thank you.”
 Sophie stood up from Hoseok’s lap, telling you, “Let’s go check out what little they do have in the kitchen before we go to the store.  Jimin you just kick back and relax.”  Sophie grabbed you by the hand and led you into the kitchen.  A few seconds later she called back out to Hoseok, “This kitchen is a fucking mess!  I understand why Jimin can’t wash dishes, but babe, what’s your excuse!?”
Hoseok rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion before telling Jimin, “I think she’s going to put me to work.  You should go hide so you don’t have to listen to all the complaining.”
 “I think I’ll go take a nap while they go to the grocery store.”  With that Jimin stood to go to his room, still carrying the throw pillow in front of him.
Once inside his room, Jimin flopped down on his bed dramatically.  He could hear your voice coming from the kitchen and he imagined what it would be like to have you as a girlfriend.  Would you cook for him regularly?  Why did he find the thought of you making a meal so exciting?  He looked down at the front of his sweats and could see his semi-hard dick pushing through the fabric.  Everything you did was sexy, he thought.  It wasn’t unusual for Jimin to have to relieve himself sexually after you came over for a visit.  After spending any time with you, he was generally consumed with thoughts of pressing his body against yours, tasting you, touching you.  Today was no different, only doing something about it was going to be much more difficult.
He glanced over at that throw pillow he brought in from the living room and remembered the masturbation conversation from just a few minutes ago.  Jimin had never considered humping a pillow before, but it was starting to sound like a pretty good idea given his current condition.  Tonight, after you had gone home and when Hoseok and Sophie were fast asleep, he would definitely try it.  But for now, he needed to focus on how to get the budding erection between his legs to go away before dinner tonight.  The last thing he wanted was to try to have a pleasant dinner conversation with you while a raging boner was in full view of everyone.
Think unsexy thoughts, he told himself.  Sports were usually sex free, so Jimin thought about basketball; he had seen a slam dunk contest on television earlier in the week and he was impressed by the skill of the athletes.  As Jimin remembered the moves of the basketball players, he also remembered the cheerleaders dressed in their tiny skirts and midriff baring tops.  Those outfits reminded him of the cheerleader costume you wore last Halloween – it was blue with white trim and the top didn’t expose your belly, but it was a size too small and clung tightly to your breasts.  When you saw Jimin at a party that night, you asked him to hold your drink while you did a cheer specially made up on the spot using his name.  You did a series of high kicks that revealed the white cotton panties you wore underneath the skirt.  To this day, whenever Jimin fantasized about you, he imagined you wearing white cotton underwear as you slowly stripped for him in his imagination.  In fact, he was imagining it right now…
“Fuck. Me.  This is not going to work,” Jimin said to himself.  
As he contemplated what he could do to take you off his mind, he heard the front door open and close.  Jimin closed his eyes and listened carefully, but heard nothing.  There were no longer any voices coming from the kitchen; instead, the house was completely silent.  Realizing that you and Sophie must have finally left to pick up groceries, he thought again about the option of hands free masturbation.  Perhaps I just need to do it now and not wait.  As horny as I am right now, I should be able to get this over with in plenty of time.
When he rolled over onto the pillow, the increased pressure on his dick sent a small jolt to the base of his spine.  He propped himself up on his elbows and began to rotate his hips, his genitals rubbing against the inside of his sweatpants, pressed against the pillow – the sensation was better than Jimin thought it would be.  His position was somewhat awkward, with his legs hanging half-way off the mattress and lacking the leverage he needed to control his hips the way he would like.  
Jimin stood up and considered what might be a more effective arrangement.  He pushed the throw pillow to the center of the bed and then was struck with the idea that it needed to be a little higher up off of the mattress to get the best angle.  Moving too quickly, he grabbed for one of his bed pillows, and tried to grasp it in his hand, forgetting his injuries until the searing pain shot up his arm.  Instead he pushed the bed pillow towards the center of the bed, stacking the throw pillow on top of it slowly, carefully.  He worried about cumming inside his sweats and the stain it might leave as a tell tale sign of what he had been doing while you were away, so he lowered the pants just enough for his dick to spring free and leave his buttocks exposed to the cool air.  As a final precaution, Jimin picked up a tee-shirt from his laundry basket and placed it on top of the pillows as a protective barrier from any spillage that might occur.
 With everything now arranged to his liking, Jimin knelt on his mattress, lowering himself cautiously onto his belly, his weight held up by his forearms and his hips at a comfortable angle – he slid his bare cock against the softness of the pillows. He spread his knees wide to better support himself and thrust against the fabric beneath him, sighing at the pleasure it provided.  Thoughts of you crept into his mind, the curve of your backside, the delicateness of your fingers, the brightness of your eyes.  He let himself pretend that the pillow was you, maybe after a date you would be too shy to let him take you to bed, so instead he would kiss you, holding you close to his body while he ground his hips against you.  His thoughts drifted further to that glimpse of your bra he saw today and he imagined you topless, slowly unfastening your bra and letting it slip down your arms to leave you naked in front of him.  You weren’t large breasted, but he imagined them to be just enough, no more and no less.  He thought of you laying under him, squeezing your breasts together and imagined with every thrust that you were allowing him to slide his dick in the small valley between the fleshy globes.  
 Jimin was so lost in his fantasy, enjoying the friction on his genitals, that he didn’t hear the sound of soft knocking.  His eyes were closed as he envisioned you, so he missed it when his bedroom door slowly opened.  It wasn’t until he heard you call his name, followed immediately after with a shout of “Oh my god!” that he realized what was happening.  His eyes flew open to see your mouth agape as you stared wide eyed in shock.  
 His first instinct was to push himself off the bed and try to cover himself, but the moment he put his hands underneath himself to try to get up, the pain radiated up his arms and instead he collapsed face first onto the mattress.  He stayed there, face buried, praying that this was all some sort of horrible nightmare and that you weren’t really standing over him while his naked ass was on full display.
 “Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!  I am so sorry Jimin.  I am so sorry.  Really, I am so sorry,” you repeated.  He turned his head just slightly, allowing him to see your legs, which appeared to be turned towards the wall in a belated effort to shield yourself from what you had just seen.
 Jimin swallowed the lump in his throat and managed to wrap the loose end of his bed covers over his bare behind.  “I thought you went to the store with Sophie,” was all he could manage to eke out.
 “Hoseok said he wanted to go with us so he could pay for the food, but I didn’t think it was right to leave you in the house alone, so I stayed behind to clean up in the kitchen.”  You had your forehead pressed against the wall to afford Jimin some semblance of privacy while you were still too surprised to know what to do with yourself.
 “You know, this isn’t what it looks like,” Jimin said in a last ditch effort to retain his pride.
 “Oh?  Sure.  Of course.”
 Jimin propped himself up slightly to look at you; you were still turned away from him, for which he was grateful.  “Was there something you wanted?  You must have come in for a reason.”  He tried to change the subject, keeping his voice steady to not give away how discomposed he was.
 “I noticed all the dirty towels in the bathroom and thought I could do a load of laundry while I waited for Hoseok and Sophie to get back.  I just wanted to check if you had anything in your room you wanted washed.  But I can come back after you’ve finished… um… you know… whatever it was you were doing.  You might want to have your sheets washed after you are done… napping or whatever.”
 “I think I’m pretty much done… napping.” Jimin felt like his face was on fire, but he appreciated your efforts to pretend like everything was normal.  “You don’t have to do my laundry.  I appreciate how helpful you are being, but I feel bad inconveniencing you like that.”  
 “It’s not an inconvenience.  I like doing things to help you,” you said while lifting your head off the wall but still not turning around to face him.
 Hanging his head low, Jimin wondered if you would still feel the same way if you knew the types of thoughts he had about you.  “Thanks.  You really are a nice person to do all these things.  If you give me a few minutes, I’ll be out of the room and can try to… um… help you with… I don’t know… something.”  He really didn’t know what to say or do, he felt useless.
 “Ok. I’ll leave you alone.  There’s no hurry.  Knowing Sophie, she’ll end up taking forever at the store or she and Hoseok will end up making out in the car for 30 minutes before driving home.  You know how they are.  I would plan on eating late.”  Jimin nodded his head in agreement even though you couldn’t see him.  You began inching your way out the door, but paused as you exited, hesitating.
Jimin held his breath, he could tell you had something you wanted to say and he dreaded what it might be.
 Turning your head to the side, just enough so that Jimin could see your profile, but not enough so that you could see him, you cleared your throat and took a deep breath before speaking.  “You know, it would be perfectly normal if you were doing something other than, uh, napping when I walked in on you.  I wouldn’t think any less of you.”  
 He knew you were trying to make him feel better, but he couldn’t help but wish you would drop the whole subject.  “Thanks,” was all he could think to say.
 You didn’t let the subject drop, though.  “I know I yelled at Sophie earlier for talking about it, but she was kinda right.  It would be terrible to not be able to take care of certain… personal needs.  Maybe having someone to do that for you would be helpful.  Like a nurse… or a friend.”
 “Or a friend?” Jimin propped himself up to see you better, your head was still turned to the side, allowing him to see your ears get darker as the blood rushed to them.  You rubbed the back of your neck and bit your lower lip, indicating your uneasiness.  “What kind of friend?” he asked.
 “A friend like me.”
 Jimin could feel his heart start pounding uncontrollably.  This has to be a joke, he thought.  There is no way she is saying what I think she is saying.
 “It’s okay if you want to say no,” you continued while shifting your weight from from foot to foot, as though you weren’t sure how to stand comfortably.  “But if you needed someone to help you reach certain parts of your body, I could be that person.  Like I said, I like being able to help you.”
 “This is a little different than you offering to do my laundry,” he said through shaky breaths.  Jimin still wasn’t sure you were being serious.  This all seemed too much like one of his dirtiest fantasies and he started wondering if he was even awake right now.
 “I think I would like it a lot more than laundry.  In fact, I know I would like it,” you told him.  Jimin wasn’t sure how to respond, he struggled to find words, his mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air.  You took his silence as rejection.  “I’m sorry.  I crossed a line here and I shouldn’t have said those things to you.  It’s okay that you don’t want to do this.  I’ll just go and we can forget the whole thing.”  
 You turned away and began closing the door behind you when Jimin finally found the courage to speak.  “Wait!  Don’t go!  If you really mean it, I would welcome your help.”  The erection that had faded when you first walked in on him was rapidly returning at the thought of you touching him.
 “Are you sure?” you asked.
 “I don’t think I’ve ever been more sure of something in my life,” he replied.
 Stepping fully inside Jimin’s bedroom and closing the door tightly behind you, you turned to look at him directly and smiled shyly.  You walked over to him and sat on the edge of his bed, placing your hand on his shoulder and then gently running it down over his back and stopping at the base of his spine. “May I remove this?” You tugged at the sheet he had hastily thrown over his butt to try to conceal himself.
 “Sure,” Jimin said in a whisper, as if he was afraid of waking himself up.  He could feel you slowly drag the sheet from his body until he was exposed.  You dragged your fingernails softly over his haunches, sending a chill up his body.  
 You continued running your nails down his thighs until you reached his sweatpants and then tucked your fingers under the waistband before noting, “These should probably come all the way off as well.”
 “Ye-ah.”  Jimin’s voice cracked as he answered, adrenaline starting to rush as he grew more excited by the prospect of what would happen next.
 You pulled the sweats off his body and folded them neatly, placing them at the foot of the bed, before you kneeled up on the mattress behind Jimin.  Placing a hand on each of Jimin’s legs, you ran your palms firmly up from his ankles, over his thighs, across his buttocks, and slipped them under his shirt to continue along his bare back to his shoulders and then all the way back down again.  “Do you want to take your shirt off too, or leave it on?”
He was increasingly aware of how you were fully dressed while he lay half naked in front of you and started to become anxious about how exposed he was. “I think I’ll keep it on, for now.”
“How do you want to position yourself?  Laying down or sitting up?  Do you need my help to roll over?”
Rolling over on his back would be the quickest and probably the most comfortable way to get started, but Jimin couldn’t pass up the chance to see for himself what you were doing, to be able to look at your face while you ministered to his needs.  “I’ll sit up.”  He rolled to his side, away from you and threw his legs over the side of the bed so he could stand.  Jimin was nervous about turning to face you and letting you see his manhood for the first time.  Would you be disappointed?  Would you find him attractive?  Inhaling deeply, he walked to the head of the bed and crawled on top, rotating so his back was against the headboard and his legs straight out in front of him.  You sat next to him and stroked his inner thighs, indicating he should relax and let his legs fall open naturally.  He looked at your face and followed your eyes to where your gaze fell on his sex.  Jimin cursed the fact that he was only semi-erect at this point.  “It will get bigger when you start touching it.”
“It’s fine.  I mean, I like it.”  You held your hands against your cheeks and looked at Jimin’s face.  “I’m blushing because I’m nervous.  I’ve never done something like this before.  I mean, I’ve touched a penis before, but not quite like this.  I’m nervous because it’s you.  I just… ugh, I’m rambling.  I just want to do a good job.  I want you to like it.”
It made Jimin feel good to know he wasn’t the only one with butterflies in his stomach.  “Trust me when I say I’ll like it.  Anything you do, I will like.”  He wanted to tell you that it was because he liked you, that he had liked you for a long time, but confessing his feelings now seemed a little out of place.
You went back to stroking his thighs until you found the courage to finally reach out and touch his dick.  You started simply, running one finger across the top, from the base to the tip.  Jimin found it difficult to breathe as he watched you.  You grew bolder and took his penis in your hand, running your ten fingers lightly up and down the length of him.  These feather light touches caused the blood to rush from Jimin’s head to his dick, causing it to swell up even more.  The teasing was agonizing and intense.  He wanted to touch you back, but couldn’t.
Without warning, you gripped him tightly in your palm and gave him one firm stroke.  Jimin groaned aloud and the change in sensation.  “Is that a good groan or a bad groan?” you asked.
“Good.  You have no idea how good.”
“Jimin, do you usually use lotion or something?  Tell me how you like to be touched.”
“I have a bottle of lube in the nightstand next to you.”
You let go of him and reached into the drawer next to the bed, pulling out a half empty bottle of lube.  “Looks like this gets well used,” you smirked while pouring some in your hands and then rubbing them together to warm it up.  With your now slick hands, you grasped him loosely at first, stroking him slowly.
Jimin felt overcome by the feeling of you rubbing him.  He threw his head back and heard it thud against the headboard, but felt no pain.  You looked up to make sure he was okay, distracted by the noise.  “Don’t stop.  Please… ugh… don’t stop.” Jimin pleaded with you to keep going.
Spurred on by his request, you gripped him a little tighter and stroked him a little faster.  He could feel the warmth in his groin growing, the tingling of his nerves as they fired off.  “Is this how you like it?  Tell me, Jimin.  Tell me what I can do to make this better for you.”
“Slower,” he said.  You kept the same strength in your grip, but decreased the speed.  You worked your hand up from the base of his shaft to the head of his cock and then twisted your hand around him as you went back down to the base. “Fuck!” is all Jimin could say.
“I’ve heard this is a good spot.  Is it true?” On your upward stroke, you paused at the head and let your thumb rub small circles against the frenulum at the underside of the head of his dick.
Eyes fluttering and chest rising and falling erratically, Jimin nodded his affirmation.  He watched you as you studied his cock, lowering your head so you could more clearly see.  You were so close he could feel your breath against him and he started to fixate on your mouth and how amazing it would feel if your fingers were replaced by your tongue.  But he was too fearful that asking for a blow job would ruin the mood and cause you to stop altogether – and the last thing Jimin wanted was for you to stop.
He ached to touch you back.  In his many fantasies about you, Jimin never saw himself as being the passive recipient of your attentions.  He wanted to seduce you, to undress you and throw you on the bed beneath him.  He wanted to taste you… your lips, your skin, your sex.  He wanted to crawl between your legs and fill you with his fingers, with his dick.  He wanted to be the one making you moan and gasp in ecstasy.
Instead he did the only thing he could, reaching out his bandaged hand to gently stroke your head with the parts of his fingers that were not bound.  Although it wasn’t much, being able to feel that small piece of you made him shudder and caused you to look back at him and smile.
“Do you like it better when I touch the head or the shaft?”
“All of it,” Jimin expressed through heavy breaths.  “I just want you to touch me everywhere.”
Buoyed by his request, you swiped your thumb over the tip of his cock and spread his precum down the vein that ran his full length.  You started pumping him again, this time using both hands; one hand focusing on the tip the other working the shaft.  Jimin moaned wantonly.
“I like the noises you make,” you whispered in his ear.  Jimin shivered at your words.  Inspired by his lust, he turned his head and kissed you.  You pulled away in surprise and he worried that maybe he had misunderstood your motivations, until you dove back in placed a fevered kiss on his lips.  He instinctively opened his mouth and you tangled your tongue with his, pressing against him passionately.  You tasted like he imagined, fresh.  
“This is not how I i-i-imagined our f-first kiss would go,” Jimin stammered.
“So, you’ve been imagining kissing me?” you asked.
“For longer than you can imagine,” he admitted.
“I doubt you’ve been thinking about it longer than I have,” you retorted.
You leaned in again, pressing a softer, sweeter kiss against him.  But he was instantly reminded how this moment was far from sweet when you moved one hand to cup his scrotum while you continued to pump him.  You rolled his balls in the palm of your hand while your hand continued slipping up and down the expanse of his erection.  
“Hnnnggghhhh! Fuck! Fuck!” Jimin wanted to whisper something romantic to you, but he was too far gone.  His dick was stretched to its limit, it throbbed with every touch; his balls were tightening as he drew closer to his ultimate release.  “I’m so close.  So close.  So close,” he repeated over and over, his forehead resting against your own.
“Let go.  I want to see you cum.”  Your words were hushed but deliberate.  “I want to be the one who makes you cum, Jimin.  Please.”
Hearing you speak like that was the final blow.  He felt like he was unraveling, his abdomen tightened and his shoulders slumped forward as he felt his dick start to jerk and spasm.  Finally, his eyes rolled back and he let out a low groan as his seed shot out from his body.  All he could see were flashes of bright white while he came, unable to control his body as you kept stroking him through his orgasm.
When it was over, Jimin sat back against the headboard, with his eyes closed and took a moment to catch his breath.  When he finally opened his eyes, he saw you looking back at him, beaming.  Your hands were dripping with his cum and your shirt was stained.  “I’m sorry.  I made a mess of you,” he apologized.
“Don’t be sorry.  It was totally worth it.  I was going to do laundry anyway and I’ll just throw my shirt in with the rest.”
Jimin chuckled.  “I can’t believe this just happened.  Would it be weird right now to ask you out on a date?  I mean, I usually ask a girl out before I get a hand job, but… you know.”  He suddenly felt a little shy.  
You kissed him on the cheek.  “I would love to go out on a date with you.  I’ve been trying to get you to notice me for the longest time!”
“Oh, I’ve noticed you.  I’ve been doing nothing but noticing you for months.”  He picked up his injured hands, showing them to you.  “It might take a little time before I can take you anywhere proper, but if you are willing to wait for me, I will make it worth your while.”
“I’ll wait, as long as you let me come over from time to time to help you out around the house and maybe provide some more, um, special nursing services,” you answered slyly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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