Uρ Iη Tнε Cℓσυ∂s • 【Tokugawa Ieyasu】

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"Ieyasu, are you positively and absolutely sure about that?" you inquired, sceptical [eye color] orbs flickering to the dark-haired male beside you. He in return sent a cheerful grin your way. "Of course I'm sure about that, [Name]. I have already done that countless times so there's nothing to worry about."

Despite his mirth you felt anything but reassured. There was a considerable difference between having done something countless times and having done something not a single time. Moreover Ieyasu's physical build was a lot fitter and stronger than yours so he naturally didn't have any doubts.

You pried your concerned eyes off of the yellow-clad leader of the Eastern Army to set them on the oversized form of his loyal general, Honda Tadakatsu. The robotic warrior stared down at the two of you, no expression identificable on his face. Ieyasu had this crazy idea of taking you on a flight on Tadakatsu's back to show you Japan from above. You, however, were extremely wary of that idea and that for a good reason.

You were afraid of heights.

"I still don't like that idea, Ieyasu." you said, almost impassively. Said man turned his head in your direction, the confident smile still plastered on his face. "Come on, [Name], what could possibly happen? You aren't afraid of heights, are you now?" Though, the way you guiltily averted your eyes to the ground and remained silent told him enough.

The brown-eyed male's smile faltered slightly, morphing his face into an understanding and sympathetic mien. He stepped closer to you, gently taking your hands in his. "I'm sorry, [Name]. I honestly didn't know that." You kept your eyes cast down, blushing at his sweet action. "It's... it's alright."

Ieyasu's warm smile returned almost immediately after hearing your words. "Would you still be willing to come with me?" the good-looking warlord asked, giving your hands a very gentle squeeze. You blushed all the more. "I-I would be willing, b-but what if I fall off?"

The brunette man chuckled good-naturedly. "You need not be afraid, [Name]. Just hold onto me and everything will be alright."

You didn't know how, but the way he said it did manage to reassure you to a certain extent. Ieyasu was a man of honesty and trustworthiness, and he always kept his word. There were no reasons why you shouldn't trust him. You nodded hesitantly. "Fine... Then I'm ready."

The yellow-clad male gave you a joyous smile before he turned his attention towards his trusted general (you noticed that he still didn't let go of your hands). "Tadakatsu!"

The robotic warrior gave off a mechanical sound of affirmation, bracing himself. Ieyasu scooped you up in his arms, much like a prince would pick up a princess, and lithely jumped onto Tadakatsu's back as the latter activated his thrusters and took off into the air. You clutched the young man's little jacket and squinched your eyes shut; your stomach was casting somersaults at Tadakatsu's shaking and rumbling movements. Okay, maybe it was a mistake to come along...

You still refused to open your eyes even when you felt yourself being seated on the humongous warrior's plated back, right in between Ieyasu's legs, and two muscly arms encircle your form to press you against a sturdy chest. You silently noted how crisp and chilly the wind blew up here, but it contributed little to cure your uneasiness.

"[Name], open your eyes and take a look!" Ieyasu called over the whistling wind. "It's amazing!" You stubbornly shook your head, stuffing your face further into his chest.

The brunette couldn't help laughing at your reluctant demeanor as he placed a large, gloved hand atop your scalp and bent down his head to whisper in your ear. "Hey, I already told you I'm going to protect you, didn't I? There's absolutely nothing you have to worry about. I will never let you fall, I swear."

The yellow-clad warlord felt you slowly release the tension in your shoulders, and also your grip on his hoodie loosened slightly. He smiled serenely; perhaps he could help you to finally get over your fear. But he certainly didn't mind you holding onto him like this.

"Is it really safe to look?" Your voice sounded muffled, but the young man still managed to pick out your words. His embrace tightened slightly as an affirmative response. And that's when you finally ventured turning your head to the side and force your eyes open.

At first your vision was greeted with nothing but the blue color of the sky and some scattered, fluffy-looking, white clouds. But once you allowed your field of view to expand, you found yourself completely wonderstruck by the sight before your eyes.

The midday sun caressed the wide, blossoming meadows and the greening trees with its bright beams, dipping everything in a warm and pleasant glow. Your [eye color] gems trailed over the mountainous, seemingly endless, horizon - until this moment you didn't realize how big Japan actually is. As the three of you were overflying some grain fields, you could spot some farmers tending to the crops and children running around, either helping their parents or playing with each other.

A peculiar feeling pooled in the pit of your stomach. No, it was neither fear nor nausea. It was... something else; something more pleasant. It was... amazement. Amazement and excitement.

Like Ieyasu said; it was an amazing sight.

Said male already had to gently poke you in the cheek to draw your attention from the landscape back to him. He chuckled in a sweet-natured manner at the adorable expression on your face. "See? I told you it's amazing, didn't I?"

You nodded slowly, the breath-taking images still lingering in your mind, and turned your head back to watch nature's gorgeous scenery. But suddenly the brown-eyed man pulled you closer towards him, placing your head back on his sturdy chest. "There is something else I have noticed, [Name]." he spoke.

"What is it?" you inquired unsuspectingly, not being entirely sure what the brunette was insinuating. Furthermore, the way he held you against his chest made it impossible to look up and see the expression on his face.

"You don't seem to be as scared as earlier anymore." he stated, looking down at your delicate form. You blinked at that statement. Now that you thought about it you truly weren't scared when you had watched the scenery pass by. Even if you were flying high up in the clouds.

"That... might be because I was unaware of nature's true beauty until this moment. I have never seen Japan from a bird's point of view and that sight has left a powerful impression on me. An impression that was able to overpower my fear."

Ieyasu smiled at your choice of words as he now, too, turned his head to watch the green landscape. However, his attention was instantly brought back to you when he picked up the bashful sound of your voice.

Eh? Were you blushing?

"And... and it might also be because, um... Ieyasu a-always keeps his word and... and I trust him a lot." you murmured abashedly, your cheeks tinted a bright shade of red, as you buried your face into the young warlord's chest to hide your embarrassment. Though, your blush intensified when you felt him affectionately stroke your [hair color] tresses and his grip around you tighten.

"I'm really glad, [Name]." Ieyasu whispered tenderly in your ear. "It means a lot to me that you feel that way about me. I promise I will forever protect you, no matter what."

Now it was your turn to smile. "Thank you... Ieyasu."

But his protection was not the only thing you were grateful for. Thanks to him (and his persistency) you had finally gotten over your fear of heights.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2016 ⏰

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