Chapter 4

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(Okay, <this> means spells and Skills, and probably Items)
(Location:Unknown; two days After Shutdown)
"Haaa.." as he sank into the cool waters of the lake, listening to the clumsy, thumping pursuit of whoever it was that had been trailing him for the past few minutes, Archon77, World-Champion Class Warrior of the Guild BloodandHonor, a Max Level Dragon-kin adorned in Abyssal Aurillium full-plate, had never felt so lost. Always, he was had been first in the field of battle, identifying enemy positions and strong points, coordinating with other Unit Commanders, or even carrying ,on his own person, intelligence imperative to the success of whichever contract the Guild was engaged in at the time. It was not until the final hours of Yggdrasil that he had thought about after. After the game ended, as all things must. He had been a young English child on Earth when his Father bought him a subscription to the game as a present for his 8th birthday. He would see to school and chores, play the game every Saturday and Holiday, and go about his life. It seemed a cruel joke that Yggdrasil was to shutdown at Midnight on his birthday. With college and career decisions looming, young Devin Williams decided to spend his what time he could in the game that had meant so much to him for the last ten years. And then he was here. In the woods. Alone. At first confusion, then fear, then bubbling anxiety. His angst was relieved somewhat by the discovery that his inventory had traveled with him to... wherever this was. Now, as he awaited whatever it was that had been stalking him, Archon struggled to maintain the appearance of calm. He had been a master at this in Yggdrasil, but now that it was so real he was more than a little apprehensive... "Hey You!" Came a deep, gravely voice from about twenty feet behind him. He felt strangely calm as he turned to address the owner of the voice. In a flash he had his guard up, catching the falling blade of a primitive ax on his left gauntlet , his right hand already stabbing forward faster than either he or his opponent could blink. Stepping over his foe, Archon side stepped a swiping cudgel and eviscerated the creature foolish enough to challenge him. And on to the next. In the space of six seconds he had dispatched ten enemies and only now that he was once again alone did he bend down to examine his kills. All were humanoid, seeming vaguely crocodilian, with triangular heads, thick limbs, and scaly, bony hide. Interesting. He returned to the lake shore to wash his armor and sword, yet another task that was unnecessary in Yggdrasil. Right, back to wandering.. unless... Yes. He could track his prey back to wherever they came from. They had clothes and weapons, that bespoke of civilization, even if it was primitive. But first he would pay his respects to the dead.
(One day later: Zenberu's POV)
I was sleeping of a hangover when one of the welps comes and wakes me, "There's a stranger at the gate" he says "he wants to talk to the guy in charge" sigh. I walked out into the bright sunlight, muttering about something unimportant, when all of the sudden the there comes this bone chilling roar and I saw splinters of wood fly in all directions. Running to the gate, I found a sight I'll not soon forget. The gate was gone. Blasted to splinters as if struck by a giant. Standing where the gate used to be was a Lizardman, the likes of which I'd never seen before, standing in some kind of plate armor with his right hand resting on the pommel of his sword, left hand in a fist at his side, and an infuriating smirk on his face! Fixing me in a stare, he asked "You the guy in charge?". I fear no one, but this guy was something else. He had an aura of otherworldly power about him. Steeling myself, I gave him my best glare. "And just who are you?". "I'm the man ten of your people tried to murder on the western shore of the lake, not two days ago. I'm here to find out why." "Look punk", I was getting irritated with this cocky bastard, " I have no reason to believe you for starters, further more, unless you can defeat me in combat, I owe an outsider like you nothing!"

(POV Change: Archon77)
"Alright then." Planting my sword in the wooden walkway, I gestured to him with my left hand, "bring it on." And he did. It was pathetic. He came screaming and sprinting at me with his right had back in a fist, his skin glowing a faint red. It seemed as though he was moving in slow motion. I casually side stepped his downward slam and almost gently... backhanded him into what was left of the gate post. Wood chips flew in all directions as I watched him plow through the post, two huts, and a walkway before hitting a tree with a resounding crack. 'Oops' I thought 'hope I didn't kill him'.
(POV Change)
As he walked up to the Lizardman, It was obvious that he was in rough shape. His jaw hung limply, his right knee was bent wrong and his right arm had both his forearm bones protruding from a bloody, crumpled mess. 'Nothing for it I guess' leaning in, he asked the Lizardman, "Do you yield?" It was only after receiving a brief nod that Archon reached into his inventory and withdrew a <Potion:Greater Healing>. As he helped his victim drink the potion, he could sense other Lizardmen gathering around him, whispering among themselves. Stepping back as the potion took effect, almost immediately healing Zenberu of his injuries. "Well how do you like that? A healer to boot. Many thanks to you stranger." Said Zenberu with a surprisingly gracious bow. "My name is Archon and I happen to be looking for a place to call home, at least for awhile." Came the reply after a moments pause. Zenberu gave him a hard look, then turned to the gathered Lizardmen and declared, "All hail the new Chief of the Dragon Tusk Tribe !!"

And there we shall leave young Archon for awhile. The next chapter likely focusing on Raiden117 or Ainz , haven't decided yet. Please leave a Vote if you enjoyed and a comment with any suggestions. Good Night All😁

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