Chapter 04

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3rd Person POV

"You better start talking Y/N. And don't give me bullshit." Jihyo gave the black card back to the owner. Y/N just sighed defeatedly.

"Let's start with these people. Who are they?" Jihyo started.

Y/N gave another sigh before she answered.

"I will tell you everything. You will know eventually anyway. But promise me nothings gonna change with the way you treat me as. I am still your manager and bodyguard." she asked for an assurance. Jihyo and Sana just nodded.

"They are my butlers. These cars are owned by me and my father including the first car I drove earlier. These cars are just a small part of our collection." Y/N nervously stated.

"B-butlers? Collection? Can you explain further Y/N?" Jihyo clearly was baffled.

"Yes. They are my butlers hired by my father for me. Dad has his own set of butlers hired for himself. I only got 5 here in Seoul while my dad has around 20 men. Not that I'm complaining. I don't need one anyway." she looked at Jihyo again. Trying to read her expression. While Sana still can't believe everything.

"The collection of exotic sports and luxury cars are what we both considered our guilty pleasure aside from my fondness to chocolates. These cars that we're using right now are part of our collection. I'll show you one of these days our entire collection but I need you to promise me as well, no more sneaking out at night to hangout somewhere unsafe." Y/N smiled.

"Y-Y/N, you said earlier that your father owns just a small time business. How can you afford all these?" Sana can no longer contain her curiosity. Then Jihyo butted in giving the older her phone.

And gestured for Sana to read the business article on it. Her eyes widened. Roths Corp? Business Empire? She remember JYP mentioned this earlier during the phone call with Y/N. Sana gasped yet again for the nth time today because of Y/N.

"A small time business man can't afford to own 4 luxury cars let alone an entire car collection and 25 butlers Sana, obviously. I am not into business but I have already heard about Roths Corp. I have never heard about who owns that mega business empire though. The CEO hides himself really well. Nothing is impossible if you have endless wealth to flaunt. You have the world on a palm of your hand if you have money. And nowadays wealth is power. Right, Y/N?" the young manager heaved another sigh.

"Yes. My father used his influence and power to conceal our identity to the world. He never wanted fame. He even despise it. He values his privacy so much. For my father, its only me, his one and only daughter and privacy after he lost his wife in a car accident when I was just a toddler." I can see the sadness in her eyes at the mention of her mom.

"For him wealth is just a bonus. He still enjoys a day at a park without bodyguard and paparazzi following him around. He enjoys his bottle of regular soju in a rather humble tent with regular people than drinking expensive wine in a high-end restaurant. He loves a simple party and drinking with his regular employees than spending time with the executives in a gala. He loves to spend his time in public like normal people does everyday. And if we are revealed to the world, none of it will be possible. We want to live as free as possible. For him simplicity is still the best. And being a CEO is just another job. For him it is his responsibility as the CEO to make sure that his employees from the executives down to janitorial services are well paid and has a stable job. For him our company is not just about us getting our profit but it is also about the livelihood of the people who works for him." she said with sparkle in her eyes. Y/N loves and idolizes her father. The two older girls are quiet amazed at how the Roths struggle so much just to enjoy a normal life without paparazzis following their every move. Money is not really everything.

Twice's Manager RothWhere stories live. Discover now