Chapter two : Metting her for the first time.

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Three Periods later is lunch time and that's when it happened, while I was in line SHE walked in. My mouth dropped and I dropped my tray on the bitch that was standing in front of me and she let out a shriek and said" UGH YOU BITCH! WATCH WERE YOU DROPPING YOUR SHIT"  Then I said "oops sorry I thought I saw trash in front of me but it turned out to be you." She gave me a death glare then scoffed and walked out the lunch room. The people in the line were laughing and I laughed along with them. Seconds later someone touched my elbow and I turned to see her, she looked so beautiful and all I wanted to do was to kiss her.

She flashed me a smile and said " Nice seeing you again stranger, so is this the real you? I mean after that little show you just out on I have thought lots of things of you." Stuttering I answered " I - I - I - I uhh no this was just a bitch who got what she deserved." She had a surprised look on her face like she was stunned by my words then she said " Ok let me get this straight, you dumped your food on my sister call her trash then your now calling her a bitch?!" By now my mouth had dropped and I felt uneased  I opend my mouth to talk but nothing came out.

After giving me one ast hard look she burst out laughing. she had the cutest laugh ever I was thinking then I snaped myself out of it and all i wasd thinking was 'WTF why is she laughing? ' When she finaly caught her breath she manage to breath out " Oh man you should have seen your face, but dont worry though she is my sister true but she truly is a bitch and I thank you for the show you put on because it made me laugh and i really needed to laugh." A look of relief came upon my face then I said " Fehw! Well am glab I made you laugh cuzthere plenty more where that came from. " I mentally smack my fore head ' theres more were that came from, really? thats the lamest shit ever' then she gave me a smile and reached her hand over and I grabed it and shook it and she said " Am Natalia, and it was nice meeting you again." When she let go of my hand I felt a little sad but it got better when i felt a paper on my hand when i looked at it it has her number on it.

 I literly jumped up in down screaming lookin at the paper in my hand but then I stoped remembering were I am and walked out the room. While am walking out not paying attention to where I am stepping I sliped on water and fell on my back ih my feet up. I quickly got up and walked out the room like nothing happend then went to the bathroom called the school pretented to be my mother and signed myself out telling the receptionist that  she was waiting for me outside. One minut later I hear my name being call over the loud speakers ' Brenalus Dragomire you have an early dismissle Brenalus Dragomire early dismissle.' I quicly grabed mu stuff and head to the main entrence by the office. when I got there the rectionisnt Mrs. Williams told me that  my ride was waiting for me out front then I walked out the school with my brothers car keys and took his car and drove home. 

When I  got home I went straight to my room closed the door behind me and  layed on my bed facing the ceiling with a big smile on my face and all I could think about was' wow I cant believe I finaly got her number, the girl of my dreams' .

Five hours later I picked up my phone and called her to be answered by hersweet melodious voice. When he picked up I could talk and all that came out was air. while she was on the other line going all " Hello! anybody there!!! hello!!!! damn why the fuck you gonna call somebody phone for without saying shit damn!!" then I answered "Sorry its me Brenalus the girl you gave the number at school today". She then answered "ohh hey Brena whats up?!" " nothing really just wanted to talk to you." I answered then she said " OK so whats uo what you want to talk about?" " I dont know" I answered with a laugh, then she laughed and said" well let's think of somthing. " Right when I wa about to answer my father came home calling my name so loud that she said " Uhh well I think you have to go" She sounded kinda sad. I then said to her," OK OK am going but just one question?" " Ok what is it?" she answered "How about me and you meet at the park in 3 hours?" " Ok"

she sais then hanged up.  When I got off thee fone all I could think about was I got a date with the most wonderful ever, just gotta figure ut what am gonna wear.

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