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My dark secret
Part six

Until now school was pretty good. Most people didn't notice that I was a new kid so the attention wasn't on me. Cheryl was the center of attention and she liked it and I didn't want people to notice me by always being next to her so in most of my class I tried to sit more next to Kevin and Archie instead of her. She noticed but I don't think she had a problem with it. She probably didn't want anyone to take the attention away from her.

After school ended I texted Chic to tell him I need to stay at school for the school play so I won't be coming home with him.

*in the WhatsApp chat*
Chic: the school play? I thought you hated that.

Me: believe me I do but unfortunately Cheryl and her friends want me to play a part and I tried to say no but it didn't really work...

Chic: you don't have to do what they tell if you don't want to play the part just don't do it.

Me: It's ok I'll be fine. Anyway tell mom I'll be home around 6 the play is in three weeks so I need to learn my part fast.

Chic: I'll text her that we would both be late and come with you.

Me: what?! Why?

Chic: so I can keep an eye on those kids and see that everything is fine. Don't worry I won't embarrass you.

Me: fine go to the theater it's right next to the music room we are there.

Chic: I'll be there in ten minuets.

"My brother is coming here to watch it ok right?" I asked Cheryl.

"Yeah sure, do you think that he will also want to play a part?" She asked.

"I don't think so." I said.

"Ok, you are up next on stage we are rehearsing a scene together." She said.

"No problem, by the way I read in the script that I have a boyfriend a character named James and we are supposed to kiss a few times is that right?" I asked.

"Yeah, why do you have a problem with kissing someone?" Archie asked joining the conversation.

"No it's ok but who plays him?"

My dark secret - Bughead auWhere stories live. Discover now