Chapter Twenty-Five

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I didn't know what to say.  If Dean didn't see me as me who did he see me as?  Did he not see Beth as Beth either.  I turned towards the bathroom and held my breath as I walked in.  Dean was lying on the floor shivering like a madman.  He was also shiny with sweat.  I knelt to the ground above his head and peered over to look at him.  Dean whimpered in relief and he flipped over onto his stomach, resting on my legs.  He wrapped his arms around me, resting his ear against my stomach.  

"Ally,"  Dean whispered.  "Don't leave again.  Don't die.  Please don't let this be a dream.  Please don't be Tina, I hate her so much."

I ran my fingers through his hair.  "Baby, I never left.  I never died either.  None of this is a dream. Who you see as Tina is me.  You're drugged.  You're hallucinating me and Beth is still here too."

Dean looked relieved.  "Where is my munchkin?"

Beth snuck into the bathroom and put her hand on Dean's shoulder.  "I'm right here."

"My two favorite people in the world,"  Dean smiled.  "Ally if Blayke could be here right now he'd be proud of you."

"WOAH!"  Blayke yelled.  "I'm standing right here.  I'm not dead.  Buddy, you're on some strong drugs to think that I'm dead and Aliya is too."

"So this is real?"  Dean asked.  "Me being mated to Tina, her kid, Blayke and Aliya being dead is a hallucination.  Beth, oh my god, please let that life be a hallucination."

"It is Dean,"  I kissed his forehead.  "Beth, Blayke, and I are still very much here and alive."

"When is this meant to wear off Blayke?"  Dean asked.  "I don't know how much more of this I can take."

"Well,"  Blayke smiled.  "Realizing that you're hallucinating is a strong step forward but you still got roughly two more days of hallucinating."

"So Tina is Ally?"  Dean asked.  "Beth is Olivia?  Blayke is Dustin?"

"Who the fuck is Dustin?"  Blayke asked offended.  "But yes.  Tina is Aliya, Beth is Olivia, and I'm Dustin.  Seriously what kind of name is that?"

"Did Mina have her kid or is that a hallucination too?"  Dean asked.

Blayke sighed.  "Sadly, yes.  I wish it were over but sadly I'm living the hell life still."

Dean let out a chuckle.  "That's definitely Blayke."

"Do you want to go to the bed?"  Beth asked.  

Dean nodded, smiling and kissing Beth's forehead.  Blayke grabbed Dean's arms and helped him up.  He looked so weak, too weak to stand and walk.  Beth gripped onto my hand looking at me for hope.  I couldn't give her the confidence she needed, I was torn to shreds.  Could Dean die?  I didn't know.  Blayke got Dean's arm over his shoulder and supported more than half of Dean's weight.  When Dean made into the bed he instantly lost all of his strength.  Who would've done this to Dean?  He made so many enemies it wasn't going to be easy to pinpoint exactly who did it.  Blayke took Beth to get a bowl of cold water and a bucket so Dean didn't have to get out of bed if he wanted to puke.  Tears filled my eyes as I cupped Dean's cheek.  He rubbed that hand and shook his head.

"Ally there's no reason to cry,"  Dean whispered.  "I'm so sorry if I ever did or said something to hurt you recently."

"You need to answer my question,"  I stated.  "When did the hallucinations start?  Do you remember?"

Dean zoned out for a moment and I thought that he went back into his hallucinations.  "Something stung my side.  At first, I thought it was a bee that I startled or pissed off in my wolf form.  Now I'm guessing it's something completely different from that."

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