Damsels in distress

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I just wonder how it would be if Henry and Ciara met. I mean when Game shakers and Phoebe thunderman came to Swellview, it got me thinking ' what if Henry went to Astoria. Back in time?

  That's how I got the idea of this. So if you love Henry danger and you love knight squad... this is the perfect live story for you

This will be a short chapter story with not less than one thousand words because u want it to have a lit of humor in it and I also want to leave you wanting more.

  I'll try to update once every week because if school and work. I'm having a test this week, so maybe I'll update two chapters next week.



Henry Hart






Sir Gareth

The king


Thanks for deciding to read this story.

Chapter 1 : Damsels In Distress

    Ciara's POV ( Astoria) Uncivilized age

   What in the the world is happening?

   " It's called the Cave of Farts, Ciara. This is all your fault! " Prudy said, holding on to a rock that was.... about to fall!

  " Prudy! " I yell

   " Exevelo pusheth backeth " Warwick uses his magic to stop the rock from hitting Prudy by changing it into a flower.

"  Here you go, Prudy " Warwick says and hands Prudy a dead lily.

Prudy sneezes which causes the pressure to build inside the cave.

  " We need to get out of here, like right now " I say although I have zero clue on how we're ever gonna get out of this place.

This is all my fault. I told the guys to accompany me on my hunt for talking ogres. According to Astoria's history book,it says;  Ogres bring good lucks to knights. So I thought if we came all the way to the Rocky Mountains, we could find a ogre and have him inflict his good luck on us. But I failed

Way to go Ciara. You've not only trapped yourself in a smelly cave, you've also trapped your friends and the princess.

   OMG!  The princess...   What if dad needs me. What am I gonna do?  He might release another dragon in search of me?

  The cave releases another fart.

   " Eww. What did this cave eat last night? " Warwick says clutching his nose

   " It hate too much burrito " Prudy says and they burst in laughter.

  " Guys. How can you be laughing?  Don't you realize that no-one will ever know we're here? " I say in fear. No one

   " Says the girl who got us trapped " Prudy says and I mentally slap my head. That's true. This is all my fault.

  I pick up a small rock. " Seems like we're gonna be eating rocks...forever!  " I say and they all frown. Warwick's face lit up..

" it might actually be crunchy " he says and picks up a rock but, Prudy snaps it out of his hand.

I sit on the floor and rest my head on a rock and that's when the cave farts again, directly in my face. Warwick and Prudy are laughing. What is wrong with you people?

   Henry's POV ( Swellview) (Modern day)

   " It's taking you forever to fix the damn mancopter, Schwartz "
Charlotte yells in anger stomping her feet in the floor.

What's with Charlotte ? Well Schwartz is always slow. I hate Germans. Always thinking they're better than anyone. Good thing Schwartz isn't German. I smile. ( Henry is dumb. Of course, Schwartz is German 🙄🙄).

  I'm gonna go fix the time portal. I'll show Ray I can do better than any scientist he'd ever employed.

The time portal is standing in front of me. No. I'm standing in front of the time portal. It's all glistering and shining and so... tempting.

  I wonder where this would take me if I just hit that button.

  Come on, Henry. Just hit the button. Hit the button.

  No. Shut up!  I'm not hitting any stupid button.

   " Henry!  What do ya think you're doing?  " Ray says and I try to back off but I accidentally put on hand on the really far destination button and zap.... I'm sucked into the portal.

" Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ! " My butt lands on something hard, I squish my butt on it to figure out what it is.... I think it's a rock or -

   " Where did he come from? "

That brings us to the end of chapter one. I promise next chapter will be longer than this.  I just wanted to end it with a cliffhanger

Stay beautiful

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