Dinner Party

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He's full of confidence, eyes traveling over those already gathered at the table. There's judgment like we aren't the kind of people he'd usually associate with, but because everyone else was busy we'll have to do. I bet he feels safe like he's got the upper hand in this situation. We'd never be dumb enough to try and kill him in front of Jenna and Jonathan Gilbert. If only he knew what was awaiting him. If Damon had his way, Elijah won't make it through to dessert.

"Jenna, wonderful to see you again," Elijah takes her hand, planting a kiss on the creamy skin. "How are you?"

Jenna smiles up at Elijah, appreciating the doting, "Nice to see you."

"You look incredible." Oh, he's really laying it on thick tonight. I hope he's not putting all his eggs in the Jenna basket. She's not going to be able to save him when push comes to shove.

"Thank you," Jenna beams back as Damon, John, and Alaric deliver the first course to the table.

Jenna passes the second bottle of wine around the table, taking special care to pour Elijah's in his cup, "I hate to break it to you Damon, but according to Elijah, your family is so not a founder of this town."

The humans at the table are comfortably buzzed, talking loosely of the happenings of Mystic Falls. Elijah joins in where appropriate, laughing at Ric's shitty jokes and shooting down John's entitled comments. If tonight was the first time I was meeting him, I'd probably fall for the charm and charisma. Unfortunately for Elijah, I know who he really is...a gutless coward who will sell his allegiance to the highest bidder without worry of who gets hurt in the process.

"Hmm," Damon fakes interest, leaning forward on his elbows, "do tell."

Elijah wipes his napkin over his face, clearing his throat as he returns the fabric to his lap, "Well, as I mentioned to Jenna earlier, a faction of settlers migrated from Salem after the witch trials in the 1690s. Over the next hundred years, they developed this community where they could feel safe from persecution."

"Mm-hmm, because they were witches," Jenna says with a big, drunken grin, eyes fixed on Elijah.

The vampire beams over at Alaric's girlfriend, "So, while the Salvatore's were not original founding families, I did find the last name Faulkner in my research. Diana, it's possible your ancestors were one of the original founders of Mystic Falls."

"Faulkner..." Jenna trails off, eyebrows furrowed together. I've not openly used that last name around Mystic Falls, opting instead for Katherine's. Elijah may have just exposed my cover to Jenna. My only hope is that she's too drunk to comprehend exactly what is being said. "I thought...I guess I've never heard your last name before, Diana."

I force a smile, eyes landing on Elijah. The smug smile on his face lets me know he's fully aware of the trouble he could have just gotten me into. In an effort to drive the conversation away from last names, I turn my attention back to Jenna. Two can play this game, "You know, there was no tangible proof that there were witches in Salem."

"Diana would know, she studied supernatural history at Duke," Damon jumps in, squeezing my hand.

"Well, the lore says that there was a wave of anti-witch hysteria," Elijah elaborates. Having lived back then he feels he's the local authority on the subject. Sometimes the vampire forgets he's not the only old one in the room. "It broke out in the neighboring settlement, so these witches were rounded up. They were tied to stakes in a field together and uh, burned."

Now we're just spreading lies. If Elijah is here to teach the historical society about the original founders of Mystic Falls he should at least know the basic facts. For someone who was alive back then, he seems more than willing to just spit back out what the history books have written down. "That's not correct."

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