Ok so theres a platform hidden from the human eye and a talking hat. Soumds lit.

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Today I woke up at 5:30. I was to nervous and excited to sleep. Today I was going to HOGWARTS! I quickly changed into a white blouse and blue jeans and then creeping as quietly as I could, I went downstairs expecting the living room to be empty, when I found my dad, mom and sister in the room!
"What's up?" I ask, trying to stay quiet.
"Nothing but we were waiting for you to get up, so that we can all go to platform 9 and 3/4 together!" my sister said, a little to cheerfully.
"ok...." I said looking at them all suspicious.
"well off we go!"
"Bye, Dora!" I say one last time before the train starts to move. I start to look for an empty comparment, but none were free. Then, just when I gave up hope, I saw two boys in a compartment that was still free!
"Excuse me, is there a free seat here?" I asked as politely as possible.
"yes there are two free seats!" The red haired boy said.
"thank you!"
I was about to take my book out when I relised that the two boys where staring at me.
" What?" I asked
"don't you know who this is?!?!?" The red-head asked pointing at the other boy.
At first I didn't get what was the big fuss about. But than after a closer look at the other boy, I noticed a scar.
" Holey cow! Aren't you Harry Potter?!?!"I ask, jumping a little cause I was so surprised.
"yeah, I am." Harry Potter said "but call me Harry!"
"Well Harry, my name is Melodey Tonks. And you?" I ask the redhead.
"Ron Weasley!" He said
"It's a pleasure to meet you both!" I said.
OMG! I'm at hogwarts! Right now we are riding with boats across the lake with someone called Hagrid. Harry seems to know him.
Then, when we were on Land and by the castle doors, a strict looking woman said
"I will take them from here, Hagrid."
And than in we go. We walked for a bit until we were at another set of doors. Than the woman, whose name was Professer McGonagall, told as all about the four houses and that we would be sorted in to one. Than she told us to wait while she got everything ready in the hall.
"So, it's true what their saying."said a voice I know to well. "Harry Potter has come to hogwarts."
There was murmuring and muttering as Draco Malfoy stepped forward.
"Yeah he has so?" I said, in my sweetest voice.
He just simply looked at me without sneering.
'Well that's new' I thought.
"This is Crabbe and this is Goyle. He said to Harry. "And I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.
Ron snorted, trying to cover it up as a cough but badly.
"You think my name is funny do you? Well theres no need to ask who you are. Red hair, freckles and a hand me down robe? Your clearly a Weasley!" Malfoy said. "You should be carful who you make friends with, potter. Weasley and Tonks will not help you if your looking for popularity, but I can."
"I think I can make friends on my thanks!" Harry said.
Just than professor McGonagall came back and off we were. We went in pairs of two up to the front of the hall. There, placed on a chair, was a hat. For a moment nobody said a word. Than the hat came alive and started singing:
'Oh you may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge on what you see, I'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hat than me.
You can keep your bowlers black, your top hat sleek and tall, for I'm the Hogwarts sorting hat and I can cap them all.
There's nothing hidden in your head, the sorting hat can't see, so try me on and I will tell you, where you ought to be.
You might belong in Gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart, their daring nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart
you might belong in Hufflepuff where they are just and loyal those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil
Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw if you've a ready mind where those of wit and learning will always find there kind.
Or perhaps in Slytherin you'll make your real friends those cunning folk use any means to achieve their ends
so put me on don't be afraid and don't get in a flap your in safe hands though I have none for I'm a thinking cap!'
The whole hall burst into applause! Than professor McGonagall started to call names. When Harry's was called, everything went quiet. He walked forward on put the hat on. It took quite some time, but than he was made a Gryffindor. After a few more minutes my name was called.
I went forward and put the hat on.
"Ah, a Tonks, eh? Your sister caused lots of trouble. Yes, I can see kindness, a ready mind and.... A thirst to prove yourself. I also see plenty of bravery. But where to but you? I know.... GRYFFINDOR!!
The Gryffindor table clapped loudly. Then,  when the last name was called we started to eat. After the feast, the prefects lead us to the common room of the Gryffindor tower and told us a small story and the number of our dorm room. I was sharing with a girl I met on the train, Hermione Granger!
Hogwarts is now my home!

Melodey Tonks ~the fourth golden trio member~Where stories live. Discover now