Chapter 2: Death And Rebirth

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Ryu is your everyday otaku. Like every otaku, Ryu loves anime and novels. He was watching his favorite anime One Piece. Luffy the main character was about to destroy Black Beard. And like most One Piece fans, Ryu hates Black Beard cause he is the main reason Giant-ossan (White Beard) and Ace died.

suddenly a loud explosion was heard and everything went dark.

When Ryu opened his eyes he was in a dark place.

'Have I gone blind' thought Ryu."hello" shouted Ryu at the top of his lungs but to his dismay, no reply came.

[ System scanning host

host found to be 100% compatible

fuse with hosts soul Y/N ]

"Wow is this the legendary system in light novel?"Exclaimed Ryu."*System are you like those legendary systems?*"

[ Hosts question can't be answered insufficient information

fuse with hosts soul to gather information Y/N ]

Ryu "*Okay start fusion system.*"

[ Fusing with hosts soul

10 %.....

20 %....

30 %...

40 %....

50 %.....

60 %...

70 %.....

80 %....

90 %.....

100 %....

Fusion complete welcome to the Fantasy system Host ]

Ryu "*Can you answer my question now system*"

[ Host system is not like the systems in novels they are pathetic and weak. The system has no idea how the host can call those ants legendary systems ]

'wooow' thought Ryu

"*System can you explain your Function*"

[ host new Quest has been generated


-Name the system

Rewards: Re-birth in a world of host's choice

Remark: It should better be a dam good name or ill make sure to castrate you ]


"*Ok OK wait system ill think about it*"

**An hour later**

In the middle of infinite nothing, a soul can be sweating bullets as he stood thinking hard. yes it's our MC Ryu.he had not thought of a name yet

[ System initiating self-destruction process ]

"*Wait for system how come I did not know about this?*"

[ 5....,4...,3....]

"*Waaaaaiiiit system ill give you a name ill name you Fan*"

[ System name has been changed to shall call system Fan or host shall be castrated ]

'Wow thank god. I never was good at naming'

[ Quest complete ]

with this prompt Ryu was teleported to a white room with a big screen. Ryu looked closer at the screen and noticed millions of names on the screen.

[ Host choose the world you want to be born in ]

"*I choose One Piece and you can call me Ryu, Fan*"

[ Alright Ryu, beginning the re-birth process

10 %...

20 %..

30 %...

40 %..

50 %...

60 %...

70 %...

80 %...

90 %... ]

"*Wait Fan*"

[ 100 %.... ]

'What a sadist system' was the last though inside Ryu's head before everything went black.

Somewhere in east blue, a man can be seen pacing back and forth outside a wooden hut. This man was Monkey D. Dragon. He is the infamous leader of the Revolutionary Army and the most dangerous and wanted man in the world.

"Can you stop pacing back like a madman you brat." shouted an old man. This old man was Dragon's father Monkey D. Garp. Also known as Hero of the Marines.

Why is the Hero of Marines and Most wanted man in the world at the same place you ask?

it's as you thought one is about to become a father and another a grandfather.

dragon looked at Garp and said, "father you know that I can't look after my child and you need to look after the kid right?"Garp turned and looked at Dragon "leaving your child in the hand of an old man like me now ah. Don't you think now that's a little bit shameless? And you know I can't stay to look after him or the marines may find out about the kids."Dragon let out a long sigh and said: "I know father but I have no choice and you know it." "fine ill take them to our birth island and leave them in care of someone of Foosha Village, I'm are rather well known there." Dragon nodded his head acknowledging the plan. A nurse came out of the room and looked at Dragon and said "Mister great news both son's and mother is safe.""Ah now ill have to take care of three brats." groaned Garp. Dragon laughed and went into the hut. Inside the hut lying in the bed, there was a beauty that could topple countries holding two cute little baby's.

The beauty also our MC's mom looked at Dragon and smiled."what are you gonna name them dear?"She asked.

"Monkey D. Luffy and Monkey D. Ryu" When Dragon said this Garp entered the hut and shouted while laughing."Which brat is Luffy and Which brat is Ryu"

Dragon smiled at his father's joke and said"the smaller one is Luffy and the bigger one is Ryu"

The beautiful woman looked at the two and smiled. She looked at the two little baby's and smiled.

This was the moment the two woke up."oww look he is looking at me and smiling. How cute" She shouted.

When Ryu woke up he was having a headache. When he heard the man who seems to be his father and the older man who is his grandfather he was shocked.'Is that F*****g Dragon and Garp?'

Then he had his father name him Monkey D. Ryu and who seems to be his brother Monkey D. Luffy

he understood that he was reborn as F*****G big brother of the future pirate king himself.

" Fan*" called Ryu

[ Yes Ryu ] Replied a sweet voice.

"*Fan can you tell me what your functions are*"

[ I have four main functions:




-Quest ]

"*Fan show me my status*"

[ Ryu you were just born so your status can't be measured ]

"Okay Fan what can I do then"

[ you can talk to me, Ryu ]

"*yea yea*" replied Ryu in a bored tone.

[ Ryu I can take over till Luffy stabs his eye to prove himself ]

"*Really thanks Fan*"


[ putting Ryu to sleep ]

and with that Ryu fell asleep to never wake up again.

well he will wake up but in after life ha ha ha

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