A New Beginning

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Hello. My name is Natalie Davis and I am 15 years old. Or, at least I was...

Believe it or not about three weeks ago I died. I know what your thinking, "if you died then obviously you wouldn't be speaking". Believe me, I am just as confused as you are. However when I was alive I used to watch a lot of ghost/demon movies and shows. So from what I can tell, my soul is refusing to finally lay to rest until i find out how I died but I'm still not too sure yet. But when you die I guess you have no recollection of how it happened so I just have to sing it for now.

But before I get into any of the good stuff I guess you should know a little bit about me. I had long, dark red hair and because of this factor all of my friends and family called me phoenix. I am five foot six and have hazel brown eyes. My favorite animal is a giraffe and my best friends name is-was....Jessica Sinclair.

Me and Jess were best friends ever since the fourth grade. We did everything together. Going a day without her was like going a day without air for me. And now it's been three weeks and I can't seem to bring myself to talk to anyone because when you live in a small town like I do, news spreads fast and within a week everybody knows about it. Nobody knows I'm still alive except for myself.

To be honest I don't even think I'm fully alive because I have not eaten anything or even had a drop of a liquid in the three weeks since I woke up. I'm not exaggerating! I have not felt the need to fill my stomach or quench my thirst in three weeks! I guess I was dead for a couple days because when I woke up I was under ground inside of a coffin. I started to freak out and kick and scream for help. But after a few hours when nobody came I decided to try and bust through the coffin by punching it as hard as I could.

But to my surprise, I realized that I couldn't feel the pain of the hits. Im not sure how long it took for me to get out of there, just that it felt like an eternity. When i finally got through all the dirt I walked a couple feet away from the spot and looked back at it. I really started to freak out when I witnessed every spec of dirt fall back into place and the ground looked as though nothing had just happened.

I was unfamiliar with this part of town so I didn't know how to get back home. Looking back now I realize that that was a good thing. But being so lonely for three weeks and not being able to feel pain can really bring you down. So this is the start to my new beginning and I have a feeling it's going to get whole lot weirder than this......

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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