Chapter 2

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    My parents are in shock. This is not good.
    "It must be a joke. It has to be," my mom says shakily. "There's no such thing as magic."
I understand her confusion. After all, I probably wouldn't believe it either, except I've had instances that couldn't be explained any other way. I know my dad doesn't like the idea of magic. He's never been a fan of that type of thing. I never had a tooth fairy, which was sad because a) No tooth fairy; and b) I was never very good at making friends, and telling kids that the tooth fairy wasn't real didn't really help my popularity. Even worse, my parents didn't even pretend to be Santa Claus. When my classmates talked about it, I always thought he just skipped my house. Eventually I asked my parents why Santa never came to our house. They told me he wasn't real and that all the parents just pretend to be Santa. By then, though, my self esteem was pretty low. My dad never read Harry Potter, so I didn't discover the magical wizarding world until fifth grade. Actually, now that I think about it, this is kind of like when Hagrid comes to get Harry, except my parents are alive.
"Maura, you know very well by now that things that seem like magic are just big fakes." My father won't budge.
"Listen to me!" I tell them the stories of unexplainable occurrences, and how it's all tied together. "I can feel it. I know it's real. I have to go!" I see the look of worry lingering on their faces. My voice softens. "I'll be okay. You don't need to worry. I'll write to you, every week if you want."
My mom exhales. "You can write back to them. Tell them that before they take you away, we want an explanation. In person."
My father still looks skeptical. "Well, I want proof. Make something happen." That makes me so mad. He doesn't even believe me! My own father!
Pop! The lights go out. Well, I didn't mean for that to happen, but at least now he has proof. My dad's eyes widen in disbelief. He sputters. "You...But...Coincidence! Magic isn''s not real! There's no way..."
My mother guides him out of the room. Before she's fully turned around, though, I see something I wish I hadn't. Fear, in her eyes. She's afraid of me.



    It came! It came it came it came!!! My letter came in the mail! It says,

Dear Adam Greenberg,                                    October 30

The Academy of Elemental Sorcery invites you to join us and refine your skills as a sorcerer. Elemental Academy is a prestigious school for teenagers with special abilities such as yours. We focus on improving the magic you possess so you can fulfill your ultimate potential. There are four groups, one for each season. You will be in the Autumn group. Among the seasonal groups, you will have the choice to join one of six elements to focus on for the majority of your schooling: Earth, fire, air, water, light, and darkness. If you accept, one of our staff members will see to it that you find your way to our institution. The next semester begins on December 1st. All required materials will be provided. Please respond as soon as possible, as no further students will be admitted after the November 10th deadline.

                                    Best regards,
                                    Alana Weatherton

I slide into the kitchen and before my mother has a chance to scold me, I show her the letter. She hugs me.
"I just knew it would come, Adam! You're going to have a wonderful time at Elemental, I just know it! I certainly did!" She smiles. "I met my best friend there. Oh, the adventures we had; midnight snacks, slumber parties--well, I suppose every night was like a slumber party, since we were in the same dormitory, but those were special nights." My mother sighs contentedly. "Those were the good days... but every day with you is good." She gives me a hug. "I'm going to miss you when you go off to Elemental. Promise you'll write every week?"
I groan good-naturedly. "Sure, Mom."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2018 ⏰

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