The Rivers

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Un fucking edited

Kinsley POV

"What will Jayceon do?Last 10 seconds, he's holding the ball. They're up by 20 we know how this'll go. Have a great night guys, im out" the announcer said

The buzzer buzzes and everyone makes there way to the court screaming.

Me and Jayjay stand in our usual spot, by the score table so Jayceon will know where to come after,

"Mom look" jayjay says

the middle of the court opens up and its my Mom, Dad, sisters and Courtney.

"Omg, what the hell" i said as i ran towards my mom and sister which I haven't seen since Christmas

"Hey baby" my mom says
"Hey sis" my sister says

They both look stunning

"Wow, i cant believe it" i said hugging them

"Hey dad, hey Natalieeee" i said through the hug

"Hey missy" they said together, funny lil name

Then i hear Jayceons voice over the mic

"Hey baby" he says

My mom points over to the corner where jayceon is standing at the end of a walkway with candles and roses on the ground , i just stood there with my mouth open and didnt know what to say, my mom finally gave me a push

"Hey baby, what is this?" I said through my soft tears

"Well, i just want to start off by saying.. When i first met you, i knew you'd be the one I'd never want to lose. You've been there for me when i needed you always. You've picked me up when i needed it and you kept me solid. You're my rock Kinsley Paige Jacobs and i love you with all my heart.." he starts to say, and i cry

"I love you too Jayceon Michael Rivers" i say crying

"now i want to make you Kinsley Paige Rivers and ask you to be my wife" he then gets on one knee and pulls out a ring case


"Kinsley Paige hope to be Rivers, will you make me the happiest man on earth and say yes when i ask will you marry me?" He opens the ring case and the diamonds in the arena are hitting it just right, big and beautiful

"Yes! Yes! Yes!Of course i will Jay!" I said then tackled him for a hug and kisses

We finally got up and he put the ring on my finger

"This is amazing" i said admiring the ring

Jayjay ran over towards us and hugged us

"Im so happy!" Jayjay said

"Oh my gosh, my beautiful beautiful family, get in and take a picture" my mom said

Me Jayden and jay squeezed in to take the picture. I really couldn't believe this took YEARS for Jayceon to finally pop the question, it took so long i wasn't even expecting it and i was use to the feeling

"Lets give a round of applause for The Rivers" the announcer said

The arena erupted with applause

Hearing "The Rivers" made me get butterflies in my stomach but in the same i was very happy

But then all i could think about is how imma do Jayceon right tonight... looks like Jayjay goin with his grandma and auntieee

"Yall really are goals" candice said

"You and Ky gone get there girl and yall only been datin for 3 months pipe downnnn" i said referring to her and her girlfriend

"You and Ky gone get there girl and yall only been datin for 3 months pipe downnnn" i said referring to her and her girlfriend

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"True true whatever though" she said

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"True true whatever though" she said

"Exactly youngin" i said back

"Jayjay how would you like spending a week with me and Candice in Texas?" My mom asks him

"Texas?! Yes i wanna go and see all the cowboys and the country stuff" he said all excited

"Boy what?" Jayceon said and we all laughed

"Mann just get me on the flight" jayjay said he said then puffed up his chest like he all grown

"I surely will, right to Korea." Jayceon said

"Aye mane say mane you pushin it" jayjay said

"Grandma isnt use to that type of joking around so just cool it please" I leaned down and whispered to jayjay

"Id love to join you in the big Texas" jayjay said pushing up his imaginary glasses

"Awll look at you being all proper" Jayceon said

Jayjay gave him a death glare and jayceon gave one right back.

"Can we go?" Jayjay asked

"Yea lets go, love yall so much! We'll leave you two to it" mom said

Everyone said there goodbyes and left, after getting through fans and paparazzi, making it into the car we were relieved, but i just started crying

"Bro what? Why are you crying?" Jayceon mean self asked

"Becauseyoudosomuchformeandjaydenandyoujustwantustobehappyandyoudoeverytingforusandhaveahugeheartiloveyousomuchbroyoudontunderstandhowmuchidoandimnevergonnaleabeyoujayceonbecauseyoureallyaretheonlyoneilove" i said then took a deep breath i didnt know i needed

"I love you too bean head" Jayceon said which made me laugh

To be continued 🙇🏽‍♀️

Thanksgiving break. I should be uploading more now but im lazy yall negl

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