Roommates & Love Don't Mix

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Waking up to the sound of a baby's cry at 4 A.M. isn't the way I wanted to start my day. I got up and walked out of my room. Following the sound of the crying, I walked into the guest room to find a  sleeping Jasmine and a very loud Zack. Grabing him out of his crib I looked over at his mother and wondered how she could sleep through such noise. I make the now wimpering infant a bottle and rock him back to sleep. After putting him back into his crib, I go back to my room and struggle to go back to sleep. I get to rest for about two hours before the blaring alarm on my cell phone wakes me up. Great now I'm tired and have a pounding headache. Life sucks.

I wrap my wrobe around myself and walk in the kitchen searching for coffe and advil. As I pour the water into the coffe make I hear Jasmine on the other side of our kitchen hopping up on the counter.

"I slept like a baby," she says as she streches looking relaxed and well rested.

"I bet," I murmered

"We need to talk about the rent," she says not looking me in the eyes.

Whoop dee doo I think to myself. "What about it this time?"

"Well you know that I've been seeing that guy Kevin and well, we're taking our relationship to the next level"

What! You mean more that just sleeping with him on the first date?!? I say to myself. Out loud I say "What do you mean?"

"Were moving in together!" She says while strolling out of the kitchen.

This morning just gets better and better, I think sarcastically to myself.

Let me explain to Jasmine to you. She's a very beautiful girl with a strong personality. She lives in the moment and when there's something she belives in or wants to do, theres nothing you can do to stop her. She had her son, Zack, about 3 months ago and moved into my condo 4 months ago. I swear that boy is more mine than hers. In those few months I've learned more about her than I'd actually like to know and gotten used to her flighty ways.

“I’m going to need to find another roommate” I thought aloud

I started searching the internet for someone who was looking for a place to stay after looking and not finding anything I put up an ad for the spare room in the condo and figured I would wait and see if anyone responded before putting an ad in the news paper or something. I decide to call up my girl Natalie and see what she was up to.

“Hey Hey Hey!” she answered sounding overly happy as usual

“What’s going on girl?”

“Not much I’m bored what’s going on on your side of the world?”

“Absolutely nothing you want to hang out today?”

“Sure meet me at the cafe" 

After I got off the phone with Natalie, i began to search my closet for something to wear after looking outside i notice it's very bright so i decide on my blue dress and black sandals. 

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