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Let me tell you, when coffee guy, as I am refering to him now, pulled his shirt off I almost lost my mind. Perfect washboard abs for days. He even had the nerve to have a 8 pack, yes an 8 pack. I stood at the bottom of the steps speechless while MaMa and Nat lead him up the stairs. Nat turns around and asks, "You coming Tam?" This knocks me out of my dazed state and I reluctantly follow them up the steps. MaMa's apartment above her shop looks like a typical "grandmotherly" home. Old nicknacks here and there and walls covered with people that she holds dear to her heart. "Coffee guy" stands looking a little lost among all the family momentos that MaMa has scattered around the house while Nat and I, who have been up here quite a few times, launch ourselves on the couch. MaMa heads off to the laundry room fussing over his stained shirt while im sitting there trying to act like he doesn't exsist. Natalie sensing the tension in the room trys to start a conversation. "Soooooooo, beautiful day isn't it."

This gives me the perfect opportunity to start my bitching again. "It was until an egotistacal jerk breezed his way into the coffee shop and got his panties in a bunch over a little spilled coffee. Guess he's 6'2" of pure pussy ass nigga." All the while Im talking coffe guys face is getting redder and redder and those beautiful hazel eyes turn to a smoldering amber color.

He replies to my hurled insults with some of his own, "Yes, it was a beautiful day til a prissy bitch who has her head stuck so far up her ass that she can't see straight deciedes to go attacking people with coffee. Maybe she gets off on ruining people with lives days so she can make hers more meaningful."

That was the last straw. Im up off the couch in a flash cussing this jerk out with every swear word known to man. Some I didnt even know I knew. He's sitting there throwing words right back. Its a good thing MaMa doesn't have neighbors, because Im sure they would have called the cops right now. Speaking of MaMa, she comes rushing back in the room when she hears the racket we're making. I can just imagine what she's seeing. 3 fully grown adults aruging in her living room. She bellows a be quiet in a voice only a mother can achieve. Then hits us with a death glare so strong it has me backing away to the furthest couch and sitting my scolded butt down. I can't help but notice that Nat and "Coffee" do the same.

"Now i realize you and him got off to a rough start, but you're going to start acting like the civilized adults you claim that you are," MaMa states. "You have about and 1hr and half before his shirt is washed and dry so I suggest you behave" she says looking at me.

Me and Coffe start to object, but shut my mouth real quick when I see the glare MaMa hits us with. Satisfied that we'll comply with her orders, MaMa settles on the couch and starts to do what Natalie set out to do in the first place. "So young man I never did catch your name."

"Oh, my names Derrick"

"What a lovely name. Im MaMa, this is Natalie and you've already meet Tamala."

"I take it you're new to the area because I havent seen you around before."

"Yea, I am. Atlanta's a big city, how'd you know I wasn't from around here"

"Oh, MaMa knows everyone," Natalie states.

"Not everyone, but everyone needs a MaMa in their life and I try my best to spread some love to people in this crazy city."



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2012 ⏰

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