Chapter 1

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"What a feisty little kitten...." He commented, his hands reaching over to tug at a strand of my hair. I glared harshly as I pulled away, irritated.

"Why're you running away? That's no fun!" The other man said, smiling as he pulled at the leash.

I grabbed at it and tried pulling it off, but just as before, it was impossible. "Stop it!" I ordered, but they only laughed.

I pulled away, but the scariest of them all had began to notice my presence, and decided to play along. "Now, now... don't disobey your masters...." he said, his eyes gleaming evilly.

My eyes shot open as I fumbled out of bed. "What the hell?!" I yelled, looking at my alarm clock. That dream had freaked me out, so much that I had even woken up from it! Which was a surprise since I couldn't wake up with someone screaming in my ear.

I yawned before sitting up. I scratched at my head as I climbed back in bed. "Why me...." I muttered.

10 months ago, I found myself in the hardest decision of my life. At the time, a friend of mine was struggling to pay back his debt, and to help him, I signed a contract to basically..... prostitute myself.

I would be in their care for as long as I lived, and me being me, I did it without considering the consequences.

But I ran away. And now I'm hiding from them. Not only are these guys rich, but they're scary. Not to mention weird! All of them share this weird fetish.

I groaned as I glanced back at the clock again. "Ugh.... work starts in 30 minutes...." I grumbled. I needed this job to support myself, even though I should've stayed in the clear.

I grabbed all my things and walked out the door, meanwhile grumbling to myself. "I hate my life...." I muttered, before locking the front door to my apartment.

I walked to my workplace. It wasn't that big of a deal, since work wasn't very far, and I saved a lot of money by walking. Plus all that exercise benefitted me.

"Cody! You're barely on time!" Chloe, my co-worker, reminded me. I rolled my eyes at her. "Yeah I know. But I woke up kind of late, and realized my alarm clock was broken." I lied. I didn't want anyone to know how much of a heavy sleeper I was.

"Alright, well get to the counter!" She said, pointing to my safe-space. I practically skipped over as customers made their order. "Vanilla cake? Anything else? No? Alright that'll be 5.99!" I said, an enthusiastic smile placed on my face.

I went through with my day, selling all kinds of sweets and pastries. Then one strange customer came up. "Hi, one chocolate cake, please." He said, politely.

I nodded and walked over to pack his cake into the box, that's when it hit me. "You.... where did you get that?" I asked, pointing to a collar around his neck. The boy smiled. "Oh this? It's just a keep-sake. Nothing special, really."

I nodded slowly, knowing full well exactly what this boy was into. He was one of those people.

"Uh-huh.... well, have a nice day!" I said, quickly passing him his cake. He smiled at me before walking off.

I looked around, hoping none of the others were around. Although that boy was unrecognizable, he could just be some sort of newbie, and I wasn't willing to stick around to find out.

"Alright Chloe, I'm going on home!" I said, gathering my things. Chloe looked at me and nodded. "Next time, be on time!" She said, smiling while waving. I waved back before dashing to my sweet sanctuary.

"Not today!" I yelled, unlocking my front door and throwing myself into my warm apartment. "No way am I ever going back there." I said, shuddering at the terrible memories.

I wasn't gay!!!

I groaned as I cracked my knuckles and stretched my sore muscles. I looked out the window and almost smiled when I saw little raindrops falling from the sky. "Rain!" I exclaimed, excitedly.

I loved the rain. The cold weather and the rich smell.... I smiled before turning on my T.V and flipping through the channels. I grabbed a huge bowl and threw in bags of chips. This was my night to pig out, and nothing was stopping me!

Until the sound of the doorbell rang throughout the house. I groaned to myself before stomping over to the front door.

I swung it opened and put a hand on my hip. "What?" I asked, annoyed. The person holding a letter gave me a smile. "This is for you." He said before turning away.

I was about to shut the door before a gleam caught my eye. He..... was wearing.....

A collar.

I tore that letter open, anxious to read what it said. My eyes glided over, until the blood drained from my face.

"Dear Cody,

We've sent this letter to notify you that we do in fact know your current location, and can promise that we'll be there soon. Now don't try to run, cause that'll only deepen your punishment. Have a great day!"

-Your lovers

I threw the letter on the floor and stomped on it. "For 5 goddamn months I've been hiding! And they found me so easily!" I screamed in frustration. I grabbed my things and packed them in a random bag. The only thing I could now is run.

I don't care what they had to say, I'm leaving and hiding! I would never go back there!


I grabbed my bags and walked out the door. "I'll be back....." I whispered, before turning around and slamming the door shut.

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