kids were laughing

44 0 0

Time skip

Omega's p.o.v


"And her,"

"Were in a shed," Flytrap teased

"Nope," I smiled.

"Fine, in a bed," He laughed, I sighed smiling.

"And, she, came for you!" Fly laughed before running off.

"You little shit, get back here!" I laughed, running after him.

Y/N's p.o.v

"you little shit, get back here!" I heard Omega laugh.

Flytrap knew me and Omega are Boyfriend and Girlfriend and teased us about it, only because after that 'incident' three months ago I'm pregnant.

"Flytrap teasing Omega again," Rusty smiled.

"I wish I could actually be here and help you two raise her/him," Rusty sighed.

"I do too Rust, I'll make sure they know you" I smiled, Rusty sat down next to me as soon as Omega walking in, and very out of breath.

"Hey Omega" Rusty smiled, Omega returned the smile.

He sat down behind me, pulling me onto one side of his lap.

Omega smiled and turned his head to Rust, motioning to sit on his other leg.

"I love you guys, but I got to go though," Rusty smiled before kissing us both before fizzling away.

"Fly's teasing me and it's annoying," Omega whined.

"go get him then" I laughed.

He got up and went to find flytrap.

FlyTrap's p.o.v

"Diecast, is he there?"

"Is who there?" Omega laughed grabbing my arms and pulling them behind my back.

"You a Meep," I laughed

"A what?" He asked.

"Meep" I smirked.

"Your ledgeke a ten year old" Omega laughed.

"With an extremely dirty mind" I added, and we both burst out laughing.

"hah yea"

Drift's p.o.v

"Still no sign of Wick" Valor sighed.

"Sis, you red to get some rest you haven't had a good night's sleep sin-" Carbide tried to talk.

"Yea but as soon as I got sleep something to do with Wick, most likely harming someone, is going to happen and we won't know about it, I'm not gonna go," Valor argued.

"Drift, Drift, Drift, ya big dumbo snap out of it!" Raven laughed

"Huh what?" I asked.

"I wanna show you something," Raven whispered.

"OK let's go,"

Raven led me to the top floor with all of the training things were and I saw, what the hell am I seeing?

"Spirits, that's what your seeing Drift" Raven whispered..

One of them noticed us, she, assuming it's a she, look around eight and ran up to us, not making a single noise as she ran.

"Dwift?" she spoke, she looked like my younger sister, but she can't be, can she?

"Yea," I smiled and Crouched down.

'Careful Drift'

'she looks like me younger sister'

"it you!" she shouted before jumping up and hugging me.

"A/N?" I asked, she nodded happily.

'Spirits can trick you and are dangerous, Seriously, be careful' Raven warned

'I- how did she get here? We used to live in England?'

'Drift, get away from her, Now!'

Rust Lord x Elite Agent reader x Omega | ThunderWhere stories live. Discover now