The magical truth

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"Who are you going to ask?" Regina asked Emma

"You and the one and only Rumpelstiltskin" Emma told her

"Emma, you can't ask him. You can't make another deal with him!" Regina had worry written all over her face "not after last time"Regina told her trying to forget about what happened to Killian and Robin

"I have to Regina, it's for our wedding." Emma knew Regina was still upset about Robin and Emma was still upset about Killian but she didn't know the deal would have that big of a consequence for such a little thing.

"I need to make a deal Gold." Regina told Mr Gold, well Rumpelstiltskin as he was also known as.

"Well dear, what type of deal do you want to make?" He asked

"I want to be able to leave with Emma, Henry, Killian and Robin." Regina said to him

"Why would you want to leave our beautiful town, your majesty?" Mr Gold asked her

"You know why Gold, I need to get away from the people who make me mad and still think of me as an 'evil queen' who don't I could have ever changed"

"I'll see what I can do then"

"There's no price?"

"You will see when you leave what the price will be"

"What's that supposed to mean, Gold" Regina asked him

"As I said Regina you will see" Regina walked out at this point, she was sick of his games. He wasn't the same since he let Belle leave Storybrooke without him, it was clear that he missed her like crazy!

Emma, Regina and Henry walked into Mr. Gold's antique shop, but everything there was people's belongings, brought by the curse, what they hadn't collected. "GOLD! You in here?" Emma shouted she didn't see him

"Hello." Mr. Gold said as he walked from the back room "dearie." That was his trade mark it made him unique "How can I help you, Ms Swan?"

"You know exactly how you can help me Gold."

"Ahh yes, you want to get married in the enchanted forest"

"Exactly." Emma stated

"But Ms Swan how exactly are you going to do this, you don't have any magic beans or anything for any portals."

Light magic Gold, light magic"

"But Emma just remember..."Regina started to say

"...All magic comes at a price Dearie" he did his creepy, unnatural, high pitched laugh after saying thing

"What's there to pay this time?"

"Well as you know I gave the last of my potion to Belle, so I have no more potion left."

"So, what do you need then?" Emma asked him

"Well, I need to go to Regina's vault and get all the things I need" as he said this he looked at Regina as to say 'I need your permission' Regina looked at him

"If you try to hurt us like you did with our last loves" Regina paused, she thought carefully and then as she spoke the fire she possesses grew in her hand "I WILL KILL YOU" as she finished she threw the fire to the logs in his antique shop "Next time it hits you"

"No need to get threatening Regina, as I said I need to go to your vault where the rest of your stuff is so I can make the potion."

"Fine just make sure your done by the next day." Regina knew that she didn't need this potion as she was from the enchanted forest, but Emma and Henry both needed it.

"Emma, you know how you want to tell everyone, could we just tell family? All the family except Snow and Charming?" Regina asked Emma

"Why can't I tell my mom and dad?"

"Because Snow can't keep a secret and Charming would tell her and we know what happened last time I told Snow about my true love." Regina said thinking about the day when Cora (Regina's mother) killed Daniel (Regina's old true love)

"Okay, I get it" Emma smiled at Regina because she knew what happened, what happened to Daniel. Emma really wanted to tell her family the only people who knew was Mr. Gold and Henry.

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