Chapter 17

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Sup dawg

Un edited btw.

Desaree's P.O.V

So I told Calum everything that happened as trust me when I say he was pissed and he agree des with me that he got pissed off over something small.

That night I went home around 2am after spending 7 hours with my cal pal.And Harry wasn't there.I wonder where he is but he's a big boy he can handle himself.I explained everything that happened to Niall,Louis,Zayn,Liam,Ashton,Luke,Destinee, and Michael.

Everyone had mixed feelings about the situation but honestly I don't care.He wants to leave go right ahead.It's not like he hasn't done it before.

I can't believe I had gave up my innocence to he just the night before and he does this.I don't regret it.But then I do.I should have waited.

I wish Harry would be the Harry I know not the one that called me a bitch.It hurt hearing him say that.My dad would never say my name he would just call me the 'little bitch'.Harry always said what he said wasn't true but why would he say that to me if it wasn't true?Harry said he would never lie to me.But he also said he would never leave me.I understand the first time was a good reason I guess but I just was never able to cope.

It's been 2 days since we fought.Kaylee and Zayn have been talking a lot and have went on little dates.

Destinee went on a date with like yesterday and it was so cute.Luke set up a picnic type thing and it had rose petals and candles everywhere.I'm happy for them.Luke and Destinee are official.She's slowly remembering I can see it the way she zones out.But it's a good thing she's remembering they have a love like no other.Cheesy right? I don't give a fuck they are so cute and Luke wants to take her to a Greenday concert next week for an early birthday present.Luke knows Destinee like the back of his hand and it's just amazing to watch them get back together.

I haven't seen either one of them truly happy since the accident.Until now.

So right now I'm laying in my bed in the darkness with a half empty bottle of straight vodka next to me.I don't care if people think I'm overreacting because well they aren't in my shoes.They haven't experienced the mental and physical pain I have endured.

The night I was put into the hospital I saw my father.I haven't told anyone and no one has told me.Not even my own brother.

Oh yeah and my mother and her husband decided to fly to some other countries and thought i'd be a good idea if they traveled the fucking world not giving a damn about what I do.Since my mom met my step dad she acts as if nothing ever happened when I was younger.


Everyone went home but Luke and Destinee have asked if they could use my house to hangout and we are planning to pull out the videos and pictures in a few days.

I turn on my side to grab the bottle and I see my phone light up indicating I have a text message.I mumble a few profanities from the brightness of my screen and I see it's Brooke texting me about a party that's rad or some shit so I decide to come.

I roll out of bed and turn on my light but it has a setting were I can dim it so I dim it slightly.

I walk to my bathroom and start straightening my long brown hair.I took a shower this morning and I did absolutely nothing today besides drink so yeah.

I finish my hair and brush my teeth and start to apply foundation and my eye makeup making my blue grey eyes pop.I make my way into my walk in closet trying to make up my mind on what to wear.I only have a couple 'party' dresses so I go straight to those.

I settle for a black dress that hugs my curves and isn't to revealing but stops mid thigh.

I put of a gold chain necklace and a few bracelts.I slip on my heels that are all black with a gold shiny bottom and gold spikes on the back.

I may be a little drunk but I'm not going to a party looking fucking retarded.And I'm still able to drive the place isn't even that far.

I grab my purse,phone, and my black vans just incase and make my way downstairs to my front door.

I climb into my car and put everything in my passenger seat and drive off.

-15 minutes later-

I pull up to this huge house not as big as mine but still it's pretty big.I park out on the street and leave my things I'm my car but put my phone in my bra just incase.

I spot Brooke's fiery red curls and walk over to her.

The music is booming Don't Say good night by Hot Chelle Rae.

"Brooke!" I yell over the music and she turns around to face me with a smile on her face.

"You made it!"She says still smiling.

"Of course now where can I get a drink?" I say and she smirks.

"Follow me." she says and starts walking away with me hot on her trail.

We walk into a kitchen and Brooke starts making me a drink with her back faced me so I turn around and look into what seems like is the living room only to see a head full of curls dancing with some hoe.


"Here you go!"Brookes chirpy voice startles me a bit but I grab the drank from her hands and mumble a thank you before downing the drink.It tastes a bit weird but it's good.

"Woah slow down there it's spiked with E."Brooke says and my eyes widen.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck.

"What." I say and turn to face her with wild eyes.

"Well you seem upset about something and I have you something to kinda let go for tonight I'm sorry I just wanted to help." she says looking at me with big brown eyes.

"It's fine I guess." I say. I can't be mad at her but fuck she slipped e into my drink.

I start feeling tingly and I make my way out to wear everyone is dancing.I pass Harry and his little slut and see a hot guy staring at me.

I make my way over to him and ask him to dance and he accepts.

He grabs my hips and I start swaying to the music with my eyes shut and my back touching his front.

I open my eyes to see Harry whispering into the girls ear and she giggles.He brings his head up only to lock eyes on my body.He hasn't made his way up to my face yet.His eyes meet mine and I smirk.

His eyes go wild seeing that I'm with another guy and I raise an eyebrow.

He looks from me to the guy and makes his way over here.

"So what your following me now." he spits

"Oh please I was invited why would I want to follow you." I state

"Well you did almost kill yourself because of me it would seem like you were following me if you were in my position."He smirks

Right when he is done talking I slap the shit out of him leaving a red mark where my hand made contact with his face.

I lean I'm and whisper in his ear.

"I hate you Harry Edward Styles." and knee him where the sun doesn't shine and walk away.

I get into my car and tears are flying from my eyes.I can't believe he said that.He crossed the line.I never thought I would say that that I hate him but I never thought he'd say that either.He turned something small into something huge.Why did he get so mad.And why the fuck did he say something like that to me.

I take a deep breath still sitting in my car out front of this party and whisper to myself "I hate Harry Edward Styles."

A/N how was that?!

I'm almost at 300 reads woot woot. I'm going to update again tmr and maybe Sunday but Sunday is my birthday so yeah idk.

Peace out dude ✌️

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