Chapter 1

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"If you live to be 100, I want to live to be 100 hundred minus one day. So that way, I never have to live a day without you."

-Winnie the Pooh

I drummed my fingers on the side of the door, anxious to get to the hotel. None of them knew I was coming, of course that would ruin the surprise wouldn't it?

I had been on tour for 3 months now, and it was killing me. It had been three months since my last youtube video, three months since I had seen any of my youtube friends, and three months since seeing my boyfriend. This had been the longest period of time we had been apart since moving in together, and it was depressing us both. But in a somewhat lucky turn of events, the last 5 shows had been canceled due to weather in Asia, and I was allowed to go home.

Dont get me wrong, I love my fans, but I would much rather not have to hear my boyfriend cry over skype calls and tell me how much he misses me then have any concerts. 

I debated on what to do, whether to go home first or to go straight to Play List Live 2019, where all of my friends would be. But my mind didn't debate for long after Connor telling me how sad Tyler was that I wouldnt be with him on his 30th birthday. I knew where I was going.

So here I was, March 21st, in an Uber fresh from the airport, with three months worth of luggage, going to a hotel and an event I thought i wouldn't be able to be at this year.

I had about 10 minutes left before we arrived, so I decided to call Zoe to see what room Tyler was in. 

"Hello?" he meek voice answered. "Zoe! Hey." I answered, grinning at the small squeal she gave. "Troye! How are you? Shouldn't you be performing about now?" 

"Actually that's what I am calling about. Where are you?" I asked her. "Im on the way to Tyler's hotel room with Alfie. Why?" she asked back, seeming confused. "Ok do you promise not to tell anyone? I mean you can tell Alfie but not anyone else?" I said, knowing she probably already guessed what I was about to say. She muttered a quick yes. "Ok, so my tour got canceled early, and I am kinda like a few minutes away from the hotel. Anyways, I wanted to surprise Tyler so I need to know his room number? Are like alot of you in his room?" 

"Oh my god! Troye!!!! And yeah, the whole crew. Connor, me, Alf, Tyler, Louise, Marcus, Niomi, Joe, Tanya, Jim, Hannah, Grace...." she said, rambling. "Ok, ok, I get it. So whats the room number?" I asked, interrupting her. "Oh, yeah! 415." 

"OK, make sure Ty opens the door k? Love ya Zo."I said, still holding a huge grin on my face, realizing we had stopped at the hotel. "Love you too!" she said, and I hung up.

I paid the uber-man, and helped him get my bags out the trunk, quickly walking to the elevators, hoping a  fan wouldnt spot me. I got there without any in counters, and pressed the 4 button, nervously cracking my knuckles. A habit I had picked up from Tyler over the years.

It wasnt that I was nervous to see him, I mean we have been together for 5 years, it's just that I hadnt seen my friends in a while, and I was excited to see them again.

I walked over to the door, 415, and put down my bags, holding the flowers I had picked up at the air port. Taking in a deep breath I knocked on the door. "Who else is coming?" I heard Tyler's loud voice say. "I dont know, maybe Louis? Why dont you go see lazy ass." Alfie's casual voice said, in a much quieter tone then Tyler's. The other people in the room laughed, and I heard a small pair of feet shuffling towards the door.

"Who is-" Tyler said stopping in his tracks once he opened the door. I smiled at him. "Hey Tilly."

"Oh my god!" he practically yelled, wrapping his small body into mine, visibly crying. I held him in my arms and kissed  his fore head, and smiled as the others came to the door to see why Tyler had screamed. "Troye!" Connor said from the floor. Zoe just grinned at me as Tyler kept a tight hold on my body. "I love you." Tyler said, looking up at me smiling. "I love you too babe." I replied, wiping the tears from under his glasses and pecking him on the lips softly.

He regained composure and dragged me into the room, taking the flowers from my hand, and sitting them on the bed so he could hold both my hands.

The rest of the people in the room came to hug me and tell me hey, last being Zoe who tackled me and almost chocked the life out of me. I laughed at her unusual amount of strength, and went back to sitting with my gorgeous boyfriend. "Wait, what about tour?" Tyler said, with a worried look on his face. "Dont worry, it got cancelled in Asia, because on the tropical storm in that area." I replied earning a round on 'Yay''s and 'Whoo's from the people around us.

Tyler cuddled into my side, still seeming dazed from what had happened in a matter of minutes. I rested my chin on his soft blonde hair and became engaged with a conversation about my tour with the rest of the group.

God I missed these fuckers.

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