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" I love you even when
I hate you "


Dylan Wang's POV~

"H- Hey."

She turned around and faced me, I could clearly see her red puffy eyes. Her face looked so tired, sad, and she was obviously crying a lot. But she tried hiding it from me anyway. She immediately wiped her tears away.

"Just go straight to the point. Why are you here?" She sniffled.

I looked down and sighed,

"Bà told me to check on you. See if you're okay." I slightly smiled.

She remained silent for a while, then continued to speak. Although she still tried to avoid eye contact with me.

"I'm fine. Forget it, you don't have to waste your time on me right now." She said in a low voice.

I wanted to. But somehow I just can't. It's like I wanted to stay by her side for some unknown reason.

"Mm. I'll go, if you really want me to. But if you need someone to talk about your problems to, I'm still here. So... it's up to you. If you want me to go, I'll go. If you want me to stay, then I'll stay." I managed to speak out.

She took a deep breath,

"Why do you suddenly care so much?" She asked out of nowhere.

That's true. Why the hell do I suddenly care? I don't even know. Maybe I'd do the same thing too if it were someone else..? I don't know. I'm honestly so confused with myself.

One minute ago, I hated her. But then one minute later, I care about her and I want to be by her side. What's up with you, Wang HeDi?

"Hey, hey, hey. Don't be too confident yet. Who said I care about you? F*ck no. You wish." I chuckled.

She finally made an eye contact with me and gasped dramatically. "You-" she clenched her fist and hit me playfully.

"WEIII. Why are you hitting me?! It hurts, you know?!?" I wiped my nonexistent tears on my cheeks dramatically.

"I may as well call you Strong Strong now." I smirked.

"Aish, you're such an annoying pineapple head with a pig face!" She rolled her eyes, and finally, she managed to laugh after crying the whole time.

"Fine, fine. I'll get out of here. Bye-bye." I was about to walk back into the mansion, but in all of a sudden, she stopped me.

"Wait! D- D- Don't go. I mean-"

"Wǒ zhīdào." I smirked, earning a smile from her for the first time ever.

[a/n: "Wǒ zhīdào"means "i know"]


"So... are you even gonna say something?" I sighed.

"What do you want me to say? I can't tell you my personal life problems." She crossed her arms.

"Why not?" I cocked an eyebrow at her.


"Because.. I still can't fully trust you. Besides, you told me that you're just here to check on me because Wang Shū Shū told you to, am I right?" She chuckled.

But I stayed here because I wanted to.

"Fine, if you don't want to tell me about that.... no problem. Let's just talk about something else." I suggested.

"Huh? Talk? With you? Pfft no." She smirked.

I gasped dramatically and rolled my eyes, "You're so annoying, do you know that?"

"Like you're not." She laughed. "You-" I was going to bicker back at her, but she cut me off first. "I swear, I've never dreamt of having a whatsoever "brother" like you" She smirked evilly.

"Oh. Hmm.. but what about... a boyfriend? Ever dreamt of having one as attractive as me?" I smirked back at her.

She turned quiet for a minute, then a minute later she started speaking again. "Ehh, no. You're not THAT attractive. You're just standard cute."

"And also arrogant." She added.

She's obviously so annoying. Why the heck am I staying here? Psh, ungrateful pig girl.

I turned around and started walking,

"Where are you going?" She asked. "Back in. Our parents must have been waiting." I answered simply then continued walking back into the mansion.

Shen Yue's POV~

Huh? Did I say something wrong? I was joking, did he not get it?

I mean.. well it's not fully a joke. I mean he does have a cute baby face but sometimes it seems arrogant too.

Whatever. Why do I suddenly care? Yeah right, I don't and I don't need to.

After a few seconds later since HeDi walked in, I finally did the same and went to the dining room. Yes, I guessed that they would be there since however, Mā had already worked hard on her cookings so they probably wouldn't cancel the dinner anyway.

Once I've reached the dining room, there I saw Mā, Wang Shū Shū and HeDi sitting together. Wang Shū Shū was still trying to comfort Māmā, but I could see that she had calmed down a bit at the time.



"I'm sorry." was all I was able to say.

She stood up and started walking towards me, smiling weakly. "YueYue, I'm sorry too. I hope you can understand my condition right now. I hope you didn't listen to what I said. You're an amazing daughter, alright? I didn't mean to hurt you. But.. it's just... you know.. I-"

"Mā. It's okay. I understand. Shall we... start the dinner now?" I softly smiled.

"Of course. I cooked just for tonight. You know how I barely have time to do that." She giggled.

Maybe her happiness should've been more important. For once, I should put her as my priority instead of being selfish and careless thinking of myself.

The four of us decided to start the dinner. We ate together, talked and got to know one another more. Not gonna lie, it sort of reminded me about how me, Bà and Mā used to have our family dinners.

But don't worry, I wouldn't compare such things together. I knew that this time it's different. Different food, different settings, different people, and different situation. I had to move on. And I knew that.

Anyways, after we're done with the dinner and "chit-chats", Wang Shū Shū and HeDi decided that they had to go home. So Mā and I walked them out, basically just like what real families do.

That's when I realized that..

Mā deserves the happiness. She deserves to have a complete family. She deserves Wang Shū Shū.

Moreover, her happiness will be my happiness as well. That's what Bà told me when he was alive and breathing.

~ ❅ ~ ❅ ~ ❅ ~

a/n: sorry it took a while! here's the fourth chapter! i hope you like it although it's very boring, more things will happen in the next chapters so dw!! ily all sm and i'll see you in the next chapter again :) bye xo

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