I had a weird dream that my two best friends, Nikki, Neil, Max and I all went to the same daycare after school that was also right next to a beach. David and my reading teacher were the caretakers there and David was out sick that day so I got very worried and called him. He picked up on his home phone and I talked to him and then let Nikki talk to him before hanging up. Once my friends got there we also called Max, which was also sick, who said he was fine and would be back tomorrow.
Then we had this bright idea to go to the beach and we ran outside, with David's dog (when did David get a dog?), and then we played in the sand and eventually went in the water. Neil wasn't there that day because he was "at some nerdy club" as Nikki said.
The last part of the dream was that a crowd of men (wearing hats that covered their entire faces) passed us and we walked back inside the Daycare to see Max sitting there.
"I told you I was fine. Where were you?" He asked us. Nikki pointed outside and then Max got his swim shorts on and we ran back outside.
The closing of the door woke me up.That was a weird but fun dream. I would want to have that again, but where David isn't sick and Max isn't late.
Oof bye!