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Today is the fifth Quidditch match that Ravenclaw gets to play and we are playing against Gryffindor which means that we will have an automatic win again, the only team that we had lost is the game against Slytherin but I think almost everyone has lost to for the first game. The only thing that I would be worried about is the fact that the Gryffindor team has a new seeker, the one and only Harry Potter, and he managed to bring the team to victory against Slytherin but that still does not mean that they have a major advantage against us. We still have one of the best keepers in Hogwarts who is still slightly mad at me for taking the captaincy from him. Leroy Jones is one of the best keepers to ever go to Hogwarts and his family has a history of quidditch in his family, Leroy has a younger brother who is one of the beaters for the team, Ace may be a year younger but he has a lot of power and is one of the most competitive players on the team. The team also has an amazing Seeker who has yet to disappoint us during a game. Grace is one of the best seekers that Ravenclaw has seen in years, and hopefully she can hold up against Potter this year. It is not that I have no faith in Grace but Potter is an amazing seeker and I think that the two of them will have a close game. I think that Grace will do well but Potter will defiantly give her a run for her money. At the moment I am sitting in an almost empty great hall eating. It is very early it is not even six in the morning and I am up and ready to go. The mornings of any quidditch matches I can never sleep, I am always up going over the final game plan just to make sure that there is nothing that could go wrong. The only thing that could go wrong is if anyone got hit by a bludger again. I had to miss the second game and have a backup chaser play in my place and that was the game that we had played against Slytherin. 

"Miss Aliston are you going to be prepared for the game today?" Dumbledore asks me as I get Another glass of pumpkin juice. 

"Yes professor I will be," I reply as he passes me the syrup. I continue to eat my breakfast while looking through my play book. The is no one else in the hall other than Snape and Dumbledore so I can take up as much space in the Ravenclaw table as I want until more people show up. Since it is Saturday and the Quidditch match does not start until nine most of the students will sleep in later than usual except for the quidditch players and the overachievers who get up early to do their homework. 

There are two house elves that work in the kitchen who have gotten used to the fact that I will always be up very early on Quidditch days. The two elves will make me my favourite meals and I will bring both of them either some socks or a new sweater that I had made that week. The elves love it and Dumbledore is okay with it because the elves are working on their own free will and are not forced to be here. It is nice to have the Great Hall all to yourself because there are no annoyances there to bother you. I sit in silence for another hour until around seven when a few more people show up for breakfast. Luckily one of those people was Grace but another one of those people was Wood and I do not like seeing him ever but especially before games. 

"Morning Sam. Have you been up since five like you are every other game?" Grace asks me as she takes a plate of food and sits down beside me. The other members on the team follows her and sit down at the table as well. 

"Obviously and we are going to win," I say loud enough for Wood to overhear and have him start to over prepare which will make it ten times funner to play against him. 

"Of course we will," Leroy tells the team.

"And we will have you throwing Wood off his game for the entire match like you always do," Ace says with a laugh. I toss a bit of pumpkin juice at him and I get a slice of buttered toast thrown at me . It sticks to my shirt and the entire team starts to laugh while we start our own little food fight until Flitwick intervenes and tells us that if we cannot act like a mature team then we can't play at the match at all. Finishing up our breakfasts we all walk out to the pitch and get changed into our uniforms so we can get in a little more practice time before the match starts. 

Good friends, Good times - An Oliver Wood FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now