Chapter 1: Finding Out The Girl

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Izuku POV:

  I walked outside to the break area and looked around. No one was lookong at me so, I ran to the back of the school. Whike I ran there, I was blood stains on the concrete. My eyes widened in shock but, I wanted to see where that one girl puts her dead bodies. I saw the dumpster and opened the lid to see over 2 dead bodies in there. "W-who's there..." said a voice. I turned around to see my fellow peers covered in blood. ".....I...You....Murder...?" I stammered.

"N-no! I'm a victim of a muderer! I barely got out alive!" She said. But, it kind of sounded like a lie..

Suki POV:

  He found me...I know he doesn't believe my story... I'm doomed. I've only wanted to follow the steps of my family. Well dead family.. "I-I'm gonna go to my next class. Bye Izuku-kun..." I didn't turn around..I knew he was was staring at me as I left... I must just be a murderer to him... but, it's fine. I can spend the rest of my life out of Japan if he tells anyone. I can move to Vietnam, or Tokoyo, and Indonesia! I can survive out of Japan! Can I? Or, am I just a lost soul in a world of nothingness.... Or, I can just end it and live a better life in the afterlife. "Tsk I knew she was trouble anyways. Why bother trying to hide when it could be washed all away in a instant?" said Izuku. "I know my secret will be shown one day anyways. So, one day I'll just let if fly by. But, not today... I have to make my parents proud." I muttered. "Would your parents really be proud?"he asked. "Yes, muderers like my parents and I have to keep our pride soaring high. Besides, they're dead anyways." I answered as I walked away.

  I could feel his eyes burning through my head in a sad way. But, I couldn't let him bring down my family's pride. I hate myself, I hate my life, but he's the only one that keeps me going..


Oof sorry this is a short first chapter of The Monster Inside. But, I won't be publishing another chapter until next week. Bye!<3

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