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I woke up. I am bit warm but I am still cold. I sat up and I am on a bed.

Still in this wedding dress. I went to my suitcase to pick up some black clothes to wear today.

And my mask, and my round glasses.

I took the clothes with me and went into a washroom.

Very modern and fancy.

I took off my wedding dress and took a shower.

15 Minutes Later...

I am now done. I put on my clothes today.

My sweater has roses on the side. I wore braids, again. Today is the day where I die.

A cold death.

I got my back pack and head to what I think is downstairs.

Not to forget my iPhone.... 5

If I am going to die today, I will just give up everything.

I was going to the front door, about to walkto school.

"Where are you going?" I heard a voice. I got so afraid.

What if it's my dad!?!

I look behind.

It's that mother fucker, Jungkook.

I hate him so much.

I looked at him confused.

"Aren't you going to make me breakfast. Your my wife." He yelled.

I like how you call me, your wife but I don't want to cook for you. I do love you but today I have things to do.

I ignored him and ran out of the house.

I ran to school and went to class. I don't have time for his bullshit because you left me in the cold. I guess you don't have breakfast.

I got my art journal and went outside. To spot I love the most but you have to go through something first in other for you can go to the secret spot.

I went to the back of the school yard,went over the fence and walk to a lake. And went through this underground tunnel.

No one knows about this, except me. And another person who I will show in the future like a best friend.

Or Jungkook, just kidding.

The fact he is popular a lot of people will find this spot and it will not be a secret spot.

A door opens in a tree I close the door and lock it. So now I am inside of a tree. I went down the ladder and went through this underground tunnel that will make me go through the lake. And now I found the door on the roof of the tunnel. I open it and then I got out from the tunnel. And close the door and covered it with some hay.

Now here we are at the tree. My favourite spot, it's very peaceful and quiet. A spot where I could rewind. There's also a treehouse. I only go in it if it rains but it's not rainning. I sat on a blanket, that keeps my bottom from being wet or cold.

A spot that makes me not want to kill myself.

(Pretend the rock that lead to the stairs is the door that is covered with hay)

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(Pretend the rock that lead to the stairs is the door that is covered with hay)

Me and my dad and my mom build this. And luckily it's near the school.

There's a lot of flower around this area mainly Daisy. I love Daisies because of this song. (Pretend there are daisy in the picture)

I love this place as a child.

This is getting deep to be honest.

Well I started drawing. And I look at my phone,


I still have time. Just to sleep and relax......

I slept for a bit and I realized I have school now. Wake up me.

I know you hate that place. But education comes first, right?

I woke up and everything is perfect and nice.


I saw a dog come to me. How cute, well I mean cuter than Jungkook.

 How cute, well I mean cuter than Jungkook

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I took the dog and pet it.

"Aww how cute what's your name." I said in a cute voice. Aishhh cringe.

I tried to find a collar on it's neck but can't find it.

"Umm sorry to bother you but that's my dog." I heard voice that was deep.

I look up and see this nice looking guy.

I look up and see this nice looking guy

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"Oh hi." I said. I stood up and gave him his dog.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Um the owner of this dog and I live around this area." He said.

"Um okay bye." I returned back to school. And he just awkwardly walk back to where he was.

At School

"I am very sorry, that I am late." I said and everyone was looking at me.

"Wow, your late. Why... MAYBE CRYING HAHAHAHA!" Jungkook pointed at me and laugh. Everyone laugh at me, I started to cry.

Maybe I should of just ditch school this whole time. I went back to my spot.

I was Crying and covering my face because these people are so rude and mean. I know I am weak. I hate life...

Dog Owner's POV

Umm that was awkward. I mean she kind of beautiful, and her cute voice when she talked to Yeontan.

Soo cute!

I kept walking my dog and going in a circle since I just enjoy walking. Since I stay at home a lot.

Gotta keep that blood flow going!

I then heard a crying near some where.

"Why are s-so m-mean."

"I just wish, I could kill myself here..."

"In this beautiful spot that my parents build with me."

"I'm such a crybaby."

The end of this chapter.

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