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Bella Dose And Prettymuch showed up to the VMA's Red Carpet. They were walking to the red carpet when the girls stood back for more people to go in front of them. Then an interviewer stop Bella Dose.
Interviewer: BellaDose, we see that you released a song and knocked Prettymuch's new single Real Friends out of #1 on the charts. How do you girls feel?
BELLADOSE: We feel great. Don't get me wrong, the boys of Prettymuch aren't bad singers or anything. Like their songs are amazing but we feel great. But we're gonna go now. There's gonna be a little surprise during the performances. Keep a look out.

After Thais said that, the girl kept walking on the Red Carpet while getting stopped by lots of paparazzi. They heard lots of "BellaDose over here" "look to your right" "strike a pose for us" but they didn't mind because it was their second time at the VMAs along with Prettymuch.
During the VMAS
As the girls were sitting, they saw that their were two acts before PRETTYMUCH's performance. So they got up and went back stage and got ready. Everyone at the VMAs that worked their knew the girls were gonna go on stage. The girls put on these outfits:

And were assigning each other a boy

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And were assigning each other a boy. Since there were four girls and five boys, that means one of the girls got two boys. "Thais, you can get Brandon and Edwin, Brianna you can get Nick, I will get Zion and Melany you can get Austin. Is that okay with you guys?" Jenni says looking at all the girls. "Who's Edwin?" Thais says looking at Jenni. "He's the one with the BRIGHT BLUE hair." Jenni says making it clear for Thais. "Everyone else need to know their assigned boy?" Jenni says looking in the mirror. "Nope" they all said.

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