Chapter 1

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Winter's prov:

"Wake up you mutt" yelled Beta Theo from downstairs. I was about to yell back at him but I learned a long time ago, not to do that. If I did he would beat me until I was on the verge of death and he has done it before.

I quickly started to move down the stairs from my tiny room. I need to hurry so that I don't keep him waiting. I was about to step of last part of the stairs when someone grabbed my hair. I let out a whimper, the person holding my hair laughed at my pain.

Beta Theo dragged me into the kitchen. I just remembered that I forgot to clean the kitchen because I'm still healing from the last beating. Beta Theo spun me around so I was facing him. He took my head and slap it against the counter.

"Look at this!" He yelled in my face. I whimpered at his voice. I hate when people yell at me. It makes me cry and I hate to cry in front of them. He growled at me.

"Do you need me to punish? I think you like it when I punish you." He calmly said. It scares me when he does that, changes him tone of voice.

After my beating, he forced me to clean the kitchen and the room that he beats me in.

When that was done I got to go to my room which I just a walk in closet big enough for a blanket and a little pillow for me to sleep with. I also have a place for my clothes in the corner and a old school backpack from when I was in first grade. It was a unicorn backpack. I keep my pictures from when I was younger and my necklace I got from my mother when I was three years old. My room also has a little window that lets the moon light in at night. The moon makes me feel closer to my parents even though they are dead.

I am planning on escaping this place and never turning back. I'm going to escape when every one is asleep.

It's 3:00 in the morning and everyone is asleep. I have packed all my clothes, which are not very many. There is two shirts, one pair of pants, and a pair of shorts. I also packed two water bottles and a couple snacks that I stole from the kitchen. I put on my tennis shoes and my necklace that my mother gave me. I put on my backpack and opened the window.

I live on the second floor in the pack house so it was not a far jump. As soon as, I landed I took off running in god knows what direction. When I get close to the edge of the pack territory, I hear howling from Beta Theo telling everyone in the pack that I escaped.

As soon as, I got passed the edge of the territory, all the mind link ties were broken. I just realized I'm a rouge now.

I've been running for hours. I stop at a tree. I sit down at the base of the tree and I lay down and take a water bottle and a snack out of my backpack. I eat my snack and take a sip of my water. It feels good against my burning throat.

I get up from sitting and stretch for a minute and pick up my bag. When I about to start walking, I hear a deadly growl come for the thick trees. Then I see a couple other wolfs start to circle around me as the wolf that growled jump into the circle. The wolf was all black and had a white crown on its shoulder.

I realized that this was not ordinary wolf, this is the Alpha King. He started to shift and I turned around to give him  privacy.

"Turn around rouge." He said. I turned around careful not to trip or make him angry. When I turned around completely, I looked into his eyes. They were a dark green with gold specks in them.

"Mine!!!" He screamed and ran to me. I think I just died a little inside. I'm the Alpha Kings mate.

Hey!! This is my first chapter so far. I think that I did okay. Maybe some mistakes and I'm very sorry about that. Im also sorry able how short it is.

Word count: 719 words


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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