"Secret Conniving Agents"

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Previously on Survivor...

After the Baylor blindside, the Elu tribe felt unified. But they were far from it. At the immunity and reward challenge, the two tribes were in a close race for food and immunity. It looked like Tana would leave victorious, but Jim got too cocky when he tried jumping to the platform. Leading to him falling off the beam and Elu winning immunity. At the Tana camp, it looked like Kat was the clear target and going home. But Desi and Mari had other plans. With Mari wanting one of the guys out and Desi wanting Jim out, they started to gather votes. When they thought they had both Brendan and Jerri on their side, they felt like nothing could go wrong. At tribal council it did just that. Brendan flipped his vote, *shows Brendan voting for Mari and then Kat*, leading to a deadlock in the votes and a making the remaining six draw rocks. In the end, Desi drew the white rock. Making her the second person to leave the game. "Desi, you need to bring me your torch." Fourteen remain. So will be voted out next?
Tana Tribe
Night 6

Rodney: That was crazy bro.

Jerri: Very crazy.

Mari: So tonight didn't go as planned. Desi went home and Jim stayed. Now I'm left with no allies and I have to do damage control all by myself. This is gonna be a bumpy ride to the end, but if anyone can do it, I can.

Jim: So I would like to know who voted for me.

Mari: That was me and Desi.

Jim: There was one other person.

Jerri: I did it. Mari told me to vote you and Desi told me that Brendan was voting for you too.

Jim (while looking at Brendan): Oh wait, you knew?

Brendan: Oh thanks Jerri. That's a nice way to throw me under the bus.

Brendan: Yeah, but I knew you wouldn't be going home.

Jim: I almost did. We all almost did.

Kat (pointing to herself smiling): Not meeee!

Brendan, Jim, and Mari: SHUT UP KAT!

Kat: *laughs*

Brendan: I knew what I was doing.

Mari: You knew you were flipping against me and going rouge by voting me? Wow, you're a mastermind.

Brendan: Yeah, I will be the first to say I voted for you.

Mari: At least you came clean about it.

Brendan: Yep.

Rodney: Well Kat obviously voted for Hayden.

Kat: Yeah. What about it?

Rodney: Nothing. I'm just saying you want Hayden gone.

Kat: And what if I do?

Rodney: What? Hayden do you understand her?

Hayden: I'd love to chat, but I'm asleep. Sorry.

Mari: Yeah, I'm going to sleep too.

Jim: Alright, we can talk about tribal in the morning.
Elu Tribe
Day 7

*shows Keith throwing some sticks on the fire*

Alexis: So what's for breakfast boys?

Keith: We're going fishing in a little bit. If we don't catch anything then it'll be rice again.

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