Task 2 - Male Entries

226 8 1

Clement Janwerd Jr:

 Setting up camp after the Bloodbath was rough. Blood covered everything, and it stank. Reminiscing about the Bloodbath is even worse.

I remember watching David jump the pedestal, a horrible, angry look on his face. His gore, guts, blood covered me, smelling horrible. The countdown took forever, seconds feeling like hours to me. When the gong finally sounded, I ran like hell to the swords and knives. The throwing knife belt fit perfect already, without any need to adjust a single loop. Without hesitation, I picked up a sword and swung at Cresentia, who was sorting through a crate of supplies. Her head tumbled off it's perch, blood spurting out of her neck.

I watched in slight awe as Clara, her bright blue hair flashing in the sunlight, single-handedly killed Collin and Alex, almost without even thinking about how and where to move, the movements simply coming naturally to her. Behind her, A-Lyn had just killed Ashler, and was attacking Rain. She was feisty for someone who seemed so tame during interviews.

Rain quickly fell to her, his death surely painful. His mangled chest was still oozing blood when the hovercraft picked him up, as the sun was just starting to set. I was in an argument with Aero about rations. He thought we should just eat whatever, most of us'll be dead in a week. I argued taking it slow; who knows how long it'll take for the weaker tributes to die before we split up? We have to save the food, even if we have a ton. Clara and Winter were sitting aside, munching on food already like its an all-you-can-eat-buffet. I growl in frustration, giving up my case.

We set up camp as the tributes faces flashed in the sky, each looking younger than the previous. These are just children dying; kids with their whole lives ahead of them. I shake my head in disgust, looking towards Flora, the only one still awake. "I got first watch. Go ahead and sleep. I'll wake you up when I get tired," I mumble, sitting on a block of cement. Flipping my hair out of my eyes, I scan the horizon for other tributes, laser-focused. The hair on the back of my neck tickled, a spooky feeling.
I whipped my head around, looking for the tribute or animal. No one but my alliance. Strange; my mind must just be playing tricks on me. Stretching, I do a quick 180 glance around the camp. No one but us, and the supplies. The arena must be getting to me, is all.


Ashler Styx:



Collin Olsen:



Phineus Flanch:

 The gong sounds, and I don't know if it is the volume or the nerves that make my ears ring so loudly. I look around and inside the cornucopia and see a trident, right next to a blue backpack. I immediately make a run for it, then grab them and start running as a knife skids across my ear. I turn around and see Suzanna Linkoln throwing knives at me. I quickly glare at her then turn and start running again, only to feel a knife lodge itself into my backpack. I roll my eyes and keep going until I hear a, "Wait!"
Raising my eyebrows, I turn around to see Suzanna, the person that was just throwing knives at me, running up to me.
"Allies?" She asked, holding her hand out. I'm about to grab it when she says, "Hold that thought," and jumps behind me, tackling and stabbing a girl in the chest multiple times. "Rain was going to kill you." She grinned, then put her hand out again. "So, Allies?"
"Sure, allies. Thanks for saving my butt." I shake her hand. Now, I am able to notice that she has a sling of throwing knives and a dagger in her hand, then a backpack slung over one shoulder. I turned back to the action and saw David wrestle Collin to the ground, then snap his neck and take the sword and backpack Collin was trying to protect. I shiver at the sight and turn to run away, right next to Suzanna. She started blabbering off about something right as I saw a beach. I immediately dropped my bag and ran to it as fast as I could, running in and grinning. I turned around and saw her staring at me, having picked up my bag. I threw my trident and stuck it in the ground right outside of the waterline.
"I take it you like the water?"
I shrug. "A bit." I said as I waded back out and got my trident. "Sorry about that, should we find somewhere to stay?"
She nodded and handed me my bag, and together we started walking.
A couple hours later, with the sun beating down on us, we found a rather good house, not very run down or moldy compared to the rest, and went in to set up camp. Through our walk, we had heard the cannons go off. Six, which was low in comparison to the usual 12 or 13. We simply shrugged it off, though, and discussed who was dead. We knew Rain and Collin had been killed off, but we couldn't figure out who the other four were.
"Phineus, I'm really good with edible plants, so I'll go find some berries or something, can you go fish?"
I nodded and took my trident and headed out to the beach. Twenty minutes later, I had caught 5 good sized fish. When I went back to the house, Suzanna was finishing up making a fire, a pile of berries on the scrubbed-off table. I smiled and set the fish up to cook, then opened my pack, and looked up to see Suzanna doing the same. In our packs, we together found two lengths of rope, two sleeping bags, three water bottles, water purifiers, two packs of dried fruits, and two daggers. We split it up evenly, besides her ending up with two water bottles and me ending up with one and the water purifier.
"'I'll finish the fish, do you want to fill up the water?" I asked, handing her my bottle. She nods, and goes out to the beach. I get the fish off, one for each of us and the rest for dinner, and put them on make shift plates, dead tree bark, and add some berries to garnish. As she comes back and adds the water purifiers, I hand her a plate and sit on the ground by the fire. She does the same after handing me my water. "Wait five minutes to drink it." I nod and start eating, and she does the same.

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