Chapter V: Hello, Goodbye

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"So this is why you've decided to cut our meeting short?" The man shouts. "For some street rat dressed like a hermit?!"

"Careful what you're saying Jacques." Chandler says menacingly. "That's my son you're talking about."

Scoffing, Jacques Schnee gets out of the chair and makes his way towards the exit. "I won't forget this insult Chandler." Eyeing you over one final time, he wrinkles his nose and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

"Sorry about that." Chandler says wearily. "Recently I've been finding myself disliking that man more and more. But that's not important." Grabbing a cane from beside his desk, he shakily gets to his feet, using his desk and cane as a support as he walks out in front of it. "It's good to see you son."

"I'm not your son." You say coldly. "You may have helped conceive me, but you don't get to call yourself my father. You don't have that right."

Chandler is quiet for a moment, but he quickly recovers. "Of course. I apologize. I shouldn't have assumed that I have any place in your life. Regardless, I am glad that you came. Part of me was certain you'd turn me down." An uncomfortable silence follows his words, broken only by his occasional coughing. "And who is this young lady with you?" He asks, cutting through the silence.

"I'm Yang Xiao Long." She says, shaking his hand. "(F/N)'s girlfriend."

"Girlfriend, huh?" He smiles. "Well I'm glad to see that he has people who care about him."

"What do you want Chandler?" You cut across.

"Err, yes, of course. My apologies." He coughs. "As my children have no doubt told you, I'm dying. Stage IV Lymphoma. The doctors say I've only got a few weeks." He begins coughing and leans over his desk. Yang moves to help him, but he waves her away. "I won't pretend to have been a good man." He wheezes, standing back up. "I've made many mistakes in my life. I've stepped on so many people on my climb to the top and injured countless more staying there. I've lied and cheated and betrayed, but my biggest regret in life was turning you away." He removes a white handkerchief from his inside pocket and wipes a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth. "I've been meaning to reach out for some time now, but the truth is, I've been too afraid. Scared of how you might see me, if you even were willing to see me. I suppose one good thing to come out of my death is that it finally pushed me to find you." He waits for you to say something, but you keep your mouth firmly closed. "I was a cruel person." He continues. "The man who turned you and your mother away that evening isn't the same person standing before you. I won't pretend to have loved your mother, but I was wrong to turn the two of you away. How is your mother anyways?"

"I wouldn't know." You answer through clenched teeth. "She, like you, thought I was nothing more than a waste of air. She left me in a forest to die at the hands of the Grimm."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." He says.

"I have little time for your overdue apologies Chandler." You say, patience thinning. "Why am I here."

"Of course, of course." He says, getting back on track. "After my wife died I started to see the world in a new light. I began to feel the need to make amends with the people I've wronged in the past. I know I have no right to assume any sort of relationship with you. And it's far too late for us to start over. But regardless of how you feel about me, you are my son, and I am your father. I can't give you the time that we've lost, but I can leave you with something."

"What are you getting at?" You ask, brow furrowing.

"In my foolishly spent life, I have amassed a fortune. The King of Vale they called me." He releases a bitter laugh which turns into another coughing fit. "I want to leave you part of my estate." He coughs, clutching his side.

"You what?" You ask in surprise.

"As I said, I am a very wealthy man. The majority of my fortune, my company, this mansion, it will be left to Solomon and Anastasia. But I have set aside a portion of my assets to be left to you. This includes 20% of my stock portfolio and savings, as well .2% of the company's income to be compounded quarterly. You will also inherit the deed to my time share in Mistral."

Shock doesn't even begin to describe what you're feeling. "Why?" You ask, regaining your composure.

"I wasn't able to give you the childhood you deserved, but I can at least ensure that you live a comfortable life. The means to start a family if you so choose." He says, glancing at Yang.

"And what if I don't want it?"

"(F/N)." Yang whispers.

"You are free to do with it whatever you please. Keep it, give it away, burn it, it's your decision." He says. "I just can't leave this world knowing that I didn't at least try to make amends."

Time Skip:

"So, what did he want?" Weiss asks.

Following a discussion with your father you and Yang bid farewell and were driven back to the restaurant by Solomon and Anastasia.

"To leave me my inheritance." You tell her.

Nora leans across the table. "So you're rich?"

You nod.

"This is great!" She shouts. "You can buy us all sorts of fancy things. I've always wanted to know what caviar tastes like. Now I don't know what caviar is, but it sounds fancy and foreign."

"Nora." Pyrrha says warningly.

"It's alright." You assure your friends. "I just, I don't know what to do with it. Or if I even want it. I mean, look at it from my perspective. He may be my father, but to me it's like some stranger I've never met before just leaving me a fortune. It doesn't seem right."

"(F/N)," Ruby says, "I can't even imagine how you're feeling. But this man is your father, and it's his dying wish to leave you what he has. Maybe try looking at it from his point of view?"

Leaning back in your chair you take a slow sip from your drink. Now that you thought about it, Ruby had a point. You hadn't even stopped to consider how Chandler must be feeling through all of this. He wasn't a perfect man, far from it, but he had tried to make amends, and that's more than most would have done. Still, that didn't provide you with any insight on what to do with your inheritance.

Finishing your meals as the sun was beginning to set, you all rose from your seats and started to say your goodbyes for the time begin. Classes would resume in just a few days and you were all eager for the start of the second semester, and with it, the greatly anticipated Vytal Festival. Hugs were exchanged, goodbyes were said, and soon you, Yang, and Ruby were on a bullhead back to Patch. Retiring for the evening, you laid down in bed as Yang snuggled up close to you. Wrapping an arm around you, you gave pause and considered your father's words.

"The means to start a family." He had said.

You hadn't given his words much thought at the time but looking down at the sleeping beauty wrapped in your arms, maybe his words were worth some consideration. Whether Yang ever wanted to settle down or if she would spend the rest of her life travelling the world getting lost in crazy adventures, it didn't matter. The fact is that you now had the means to give her the life she deserved, no matter what that might be. Chandler may not have been a good father, but in the end, he was a good man.

Male Reader x RWBY: Spring Break / Reader x Yang Xiao LongWhere stories live. Discover now