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Shiota Nagisa_Quirk-Shadow snake:  he has a telepathic link to snakes, if a snake ingests his blood they are blood brothers meaning the snake can change into human form and teleport to Nagisa, when he's angry he emits a terrifying aura that makes him appear to be a snake-look at snake on cover to see what it looks like. He is also cold-blooded and when he gets too cold he will go into hibernation, he is sleepy when cold.

Hero Nama: Naga

Akabane Karma_Quirk-Kitsune: he has fox ears and nine tails, heightened senses, super strength, super speed, can shoot fireballs of varying heat and size.

Hero Name: Sriracha

A/N-I'm not sure if Karma and Bakugou will be best friends or rivals so please give me your opinion. Also the events of the anime did happen but altered. Korosensei was experimented on by All for One meaning that in this universe he was a sane Nomu. They transfer in after the sports festival, but before the training camp because Karma got them expelled from their old school, but UA took an interest in them because of their quirks.


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