The Kingdom of Light - The Forgotten Prison

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The land of the element was corrupted by the king, while most people were in tune with one of the four main elements, few were born special. The king was one of these people. He was born with the gift of darkness. He enslaved many of his people and fought for land against surrounding nations. He was savage, casting out his own son, Prince Zain. The prince was born special as well. He wants given the gift of light. He travelled around other kingdoms, building armies to fight his father until the day finally came.

After many years of war against his fathers kingdom, Prince Zain fought King Azan one on one. Passed down as gifts, father and son fought each other with their elements. The king used his darkness, but eventually lost the battle against his sons blinding light.
The new ruler ended the war and freed the enslaved, returning the land they had taken to the other kingdoms. He promised to only fight those who attack and established an age of peace. Without King Azan to repress other kingdoms, the Kingdom of Carzann attacked three years after the peace treaty. The Prince and his armies fought, defending the lands and defeating Carzann, but the prince was lost in battle.
Hundreds of years passed, the Kingdom of Light was ruled by the family next in power, the leaders controlling and demanding. The glimmer of hope the people had when Prince Zain ruled was slowly pushed away by the misery of the new family. The kingdoms light, began to dim.

But tucked under a mountain in the far ranges, was the forgotten prison. Abandoned after the war with Carzann, many of the inmates died, except for two. These two were experimented on in the chambers of immortality, testing the name to see if this chamber could give the gift of life. The war ended before the results could be finalised by anyone outside, but the pair sat. And waited. For hundreds of years. Testing their powers against each other, learning new ways to fight and forge the light. And the dark.

Prince Zain, used his powers to bring some light under their mountain. His shaggy white hair glowed when he used them, Darcia said he looked like an angel, with his golden eyes and halo of light. He was everything to do with light. His optimism kept him and Darcia through the years.

Darcia was gifted with darkness, like Zains father. She had long dark hair and violet eyes that could stare down the most fierce of beasts. Zain called her a demon look alike. Each time he did, he left the room with a black eye. She was a rebel, brought to the mountain for fighting back against Carzann. She had been alone all her life, smothered in the darkness that consumed her for what will be eternity, but this Prince had brought her some light.
Together, the pair had developed new ways of using their powers to create and destroy. Together, they could be heaven to the deserving and hell to the wicked. The only thing that held them back was the walls around them. Until one day they got out.

"Zain push harder!!" Darcia yelled at him as they burned their powers through the rock in front of them.
"I am pushing harder!" He yells as sweat drips from his forehead. His hair was glowing brighter then ever as light erupted from his hands. Darcia has to shield herself as she powered her darkness into the stone.
" ITS BREAKING!!" Zain hollered over the noise of stone shattering.
"NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" Darcia yelled back as light became to peep through small cracks in the rocks wall. Suddenly dust filled the room as an almighty crack echoed through the prison. Both started coughing as they stared at the sunlight streaming in the now gaping hole.
"We did it!" Zain squealed as Darcia jumped on him.
"Come on come on come on! Why are you so slow Princey?" She hollered as she clambered out the hole. Zain followed in pursuit, climbing up the pile and staring out at the mountain range the covered the horizon. He could see Darcia below him, face down in the snow, making a form of snow angel. For a master of darkness, she is still a massive softie. He thought as he climbed down next to her. He let himself bask in the rays of the sun. He will return to his kingdom. Nothing can stop them now.

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