^(We All Still Die - Complete Warrior Cats MAP)^
[With 'best villain' I mean which cat you loved the most, and with 'worst villain', I mean which cat you hated the most]
Best Villain:
Tigerstar - Ember
Brokenstar - Flint
Thistleclaw - Hollow
Scourge - Jagged
Mapleshade - Raven
Hawkfrost - Bramble
Sol - Sun
Ashfur - Thorn
Bone - White
Darkstripe - Crooked
Breezepelt - Night
One Eye - Web
Other - ShadowWorst Villain:
Darkstripe - pool
Bone - step
Ashfur - whisker
Breezepelt - spirit
Clear Sky - water
Nightcloud - bush
One Eye - claw
Tigerstar - blaze
Brokenstar - dust
Thistleclaw - flight
Scourge - flame
Mapleshade - sky
Hawkfrost - frost
Sol - moon
Other - heartI got Ravenpool or Bramblewhisker
Warriors Name Generators [PAUSED]
Random[PAUSED] Need a name for a warrior? Or just bored and desperate for some random fun? Look no further! You can always request specific generators if you want to! (Please do, I'm in desperate need of inspiration!) [Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter] [C...