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Sis edited this on 11/10/18!


After the unsettling event that was dinner, everyone had returned to the parlor room. No one wanted to talk about the events that had occurred at dinner. Today was just too weird for everyone at that point. The silence was eerie, and it was at the time Saoirse wish she had her music to preoccupy her mind. She sat next to Ember on one of the couches, her head balanced in her hand that was tangled in her long wavy hair.

Venable had been watching over the group, and they knew at this point, this was when they were to meet their visitor.

The silence lingered in the room. It seemed deathly and eerie. Not even the music that played on loop for over a year had been silenced.

And then they heard it. 

The footsteps.

They were very quiet.

Yet they seemed so powerful.



And then he entered the room and the energy changed in the room.
Saoirse kept her gaze at the ground, and only look to their visitor when she heard the footsteps halt in the doorway of the room.
The first thing she saw were the pale grey-blue hues of his eyes that seemed to pierce her soul. His shoulder length, wavy, sandy-blonde hair glimmered in the dimly lit room. He stood tall and straight. His aura screamed egotistical and power hungry.
That same dangerous energy that Saoirse felt earlier before dinner filled the room and she immediately felt uneasy again. The ache in her stomach had returned and she felt dizzy, but she couldn't show it in that moment.
"My name is Langdon, and I represent The Cooperative," he began right off the bat, his low voice rolled out smoothly as if he'd rehearsed this same spiel in front of his mirror before bed.

 "I won't sugarcoat the situation. Humanity is on the brink of failure. My arrival here is crucial to the survival of the civilized life on Earth. The three other compounds in Syracuse, New York, Beckley, West Virginia, and San Angelo, Texas have been overrun and destroyed." He looked about the room as if to analyze the entire group before him.

This statement made everyone exchange murmurs of worry and wonder, but Saoirse remained silent as she looked back at Langdon.
"We've had no contact from the six international outposts, but we are assuming that they, too, have been eliminated."
"What happened to the people inside?" Timothy questioned.
"Massacred," Langdon spoke simply, "The same fate will befall almost all of you."
Saoirse found the words to speak as she continued her gaze at Langdon, "Almost all?"
Langdon's sharp eyes turned to Saoirse in a menacing way, "In the knowledge that this very moment might occur, we built a failsafe – The Sanctuary."
"The Sanctuary?" Ember cocked a brow next to Saoirse.
"The Sanctuary is unique. It has certain security measures that will prevent overrun."
"Excuse me, sir," Mead intervened, "What measures? Why weren't we given them?"
"Classified," Langdon quickly retorted, "all that matters is that The Sanctuary will survive, so the people populating it will survive, so humanity will survive." He flashed his gaze towards Saoirse again.
"Who are the people populating it?" Andre added.
"Also classified, however, I have been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and fit to join us."
The unsure murmuring and worried whispering began again, but still, Saoirse remained silent as she stared back at Langdon, her heart pounding in her chest as he stared back at her. He continued his words.
"The Cooperative has developed a particular and rigorous questioning technique we like to call cooperating. I will then use the information gained to determine if you belong."
"What is this? The Hunger Games?" Coco's voice rang out like nails on a chalk board, making Langdon break his gaze on Saoirse. Saoirse knew speaking to Langdon like that was a vile idea, "This is bullshit, I paid my way in here, and that is the only cooperating I plan on doing."
"You don't have to sit for questioning," Langdon stated simply.
"What happens if we choose not to?" Ember looked in all seriousness at the man.
"Then you stay here and die."
Gallant hadn't waited a second to stand at Langdon's words, "I volunteer to go first!"

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