The problems begin

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When my mum was here everything for me was perfect, my dad was happy and Zoe and Sam my younger siblings were so full of joy but when mum left its like the world went dark my dad wasn't happy at all and its like someone stole all the joy from Zoe and Sam.

 As for me well it hit me like a bus nothing was the same, we moved houses to the rougher part of town my dad became angry the whole time which made me then angry.

Also not to mention my school work before all this shit happened i was a perfect student teachers loved me and i loved school but now i am just full of this angry inside of me ready to explode like a bomb and as for my school work well lets just say i would be lucky if i got a D.

I wake up to my little sister Zoe looking me in the eyes.

"Morning monkey" i smiled while hugging her 

I jumped out of bed and grabbed her and threw her over my shoulders and started to run around Zoe starts giggling which always makes me smile. I put Zoe down and she runs away smiling.

Once i was ready for school i went through to my kitchen and made breakfast for Sam and Zoe while my dad is passed out on the couch with a bottle of gin in his hand and multiple bottles lying everywhere. Thank god i think to myself, that Zoe and Sam go to nursery care when i am at school i could not leave them at home with a drunk like that.

Finally after 20 minutes trying to convince Sam to get dressed we are all ready to leave. I slowly open the front door trying to not wake my hungover dad who was still passed out on the couch.

I drop off Sam and Zoe to nursery and leave to catch my bus to school.


I sit waiting for my bus trying not to make eye contact with Jessica, Before i go on let me introduce you to Jessica.

Jessica thinks of herself as the queen bee of the school she thinks that everyone adores her and whoever doesn't such as people like me are rejects and losers . Jessica use to bully the shit out of me but she must've gotten bored after awhile aka i became best friends with the toughest girl in our year Taz.

So what happened is one day Jessica started on me the usual expect that this time Taz was coming round the corner and when she heard what she had been saying she rugby tackled her to the floor and you can guess what happened next, lets just say Jessica had a black eye for awhile.

The bus finally shows up and i get on i sit at the front of the bus and put my earphones in as i would rather not listen to the drama i have enough of my own to deal with.


The bus comes to a stop and i head straight to the hut. The hut is where me and my friends hang out and basically smoke without getting caught by the school. 

When i get there Taz and a guy i have never seen before are sitting talking.

"Hey Taz" i say while taking out a cigarette and light it

"Hey Alana" Taz nods at the guy beside her and he hands her something and walks away

"what you got there huh Taz" i laugh and grab the little bag.

I stare at it for a minute and hold it up above my head. 

"Give that back Alana you wouldn't be able to handle that" she laughs and grabs it back and smiles at me.

"After school you can have some if you want" Taz offers me

i think about it for a minute "no im good thanks though" 

The bell rings and we both head to our classes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2018 ⏰

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