Chapter 9: Tartarus

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"So... I just have to drain his quirk?" You asked, staring through the glass window at a large man who was chained, bound, and gagged to a chair. There was a large pool in front of him, nowhere near as nice as Toshi's, and five guards surrounding him, all armed to the teeth.

"Pretty much."

"What did he do?" You asked, feeling vaguely guilty. It was a general rule you held yourself by to not drain someone's entire quirk, but it would be okay if it was a villains quirk, right?

"He was responsible for the terrorist atttack on Fukuoka, and Kumamoto, and most recently Kagoshima. The casualties were immense. We've had him here for about ten years."

"What's his quirk?"

"He can make mineral particles expand and compress. He would target the largest buildings in the cities and compress the cement in the buildings, causing them to crumble down. It was difficult to catch him, but here he is. His quirk is hard to keep uunder control, as you might guess, because almost everything in our world has minerals in it to some extent."

"I see. Sounds like a bad dude."

"Pretty bad. Are you feeling up for the task?"

"I think so, as long as he stays restrained."

"Don't worry, he will be. Only his neck will be exposed."

"Gotcha. Well, I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be." You chewed at the inside of your lip, trying your best not to show how nervous you truly were. You were in a high security prison, about to confront a very dangerous and powerful villain. Who in their right mind wouldn't be nervous?

An image popped into your head in response: Toshi. He wouldn't be nervous. He was never scared. You needed to be brave like him. There was no way he was going to be able to hurt you. He was restrained. You'd be fine.

"Alright," Tsukauchi said, nodding to one of the guards who was standing there, machine gun in hands. You tried to ignore it, it would only add to your nervousness. The guard pressed a button in his ear and whispered something unintelligible. A few moments later an impeccably dressed woman came in, wearing a white pantsuit.

"Good afternoon," She smiled, shaking both yours and Tsukauchis hands. "Nice to see you again, Tsukauchi. I trust you've been doing well?"

"Busy as always, but yes. I've been doing fine. Let me introduce you to my associate, Miss (Y/LN)."

"Nice to meet you," You smiled pleasantly.

"Nice to meet you as well. I've heard a lot about you. I'm excited to be working together. My name is Miss Shumei Igarashi. I'm the director of this program you will be working for. I'm excited to see all of our planning come to fruition."

"I'm glad I can be of assistance..." You replied timidly. It was incredibly creepy hearing people talk about how they'd been planning this for years while you were completely unaware.

"Now, If you'll follow me I'll give you the rundown." She turned and walked out the door, the two guards following closely behind the three of you.

"Tartarus is the most high security prison on the planet. We house some of the most dangerous villains from all around the world here, and have accumulated quite an assortment of inmates since we opened years ago. As you can guess, this gets quite costly. We're assuming after All Might captures All for One there will be an influx of security needed here, so we need to make space. We also know of your quirk, and the situation that arises if you don't feed it, so we fit each others needs perfectly. We need a way to get rid of these quirks, you need to feed. It's a 'you scratch my back I scratch yours' kind of situation. Obviously you'll be paid well, as well. You're doing the world a big favor by limiting the risk these people present to the world." She walked you through the sterile, white hallway. Nothing seemed to be moving, and aside from your voices and the sound of your footsteps, the world was eerily silent. She turned to a large door on her left, seemingly no different than the rest, and scanned her fingerprints. The door slid up into the ceiling, allowing your group to enter into the room. It was plain white, as the rest were, with another window that you could see the villain in, still restrained at the side of a body of the pool. There was a door that lead to the room with the pool, and then another door that lead to what looked like a changing room. An assortment of lockers, all made of fiberglass, lined the bare walls.

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