3. The Incident

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       YEARS LATER!!! When Izuku is now the #1 hero and Izuka is living a non-hero life

I walked down the sidewalk, just getting off of work, I worked at a cosmetics company. I hummed to myself, thinking of my brother. 'He really is something!' I thought. I heard footsteps behind me, but when I turned around, no one was there. "I really gotta stop reading thriller webtoons... I can't handle them" I said to myself, thinking it was paranoia. But when my neck had gotten grabbed and I went through a portal, I knew I was wrong.

I woke up, wrapped in rope, seeing a male with blue-ish gray hair, talking to a misty man. My eyes widened, I screamed. "You are awake.... finally.... and could you not scream? It hurts my precious eardrums" (I tried to think as "tomura" as possible. lol)  I didn't talk for a long while, my eyes already streaming tears. "W-Why are you doing this to me...?" I cried. "I was looking into the number one hero's profile, then I saw he had a sister! I was delighted! Finally, A weakness! Izuku Midoriya cares about you, I know... So I thought to take one of his prized possessions and make him kneel to me!" He said, with a crazed face.

 So I thought to take one of his prized possessions and make him kneel to me!" He said, with a crazed face

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I was terrified, really, REALLY terrified. One look at the villains face was enough to make you shiver. He was one of the members of the League of villains, who had attacked my big bro lots of times before. He was almost ALWAYS there when they attacked. The fear showed on my face while I was crying. "Awwwwwww.... Is the princess scared???" He said, laughing maniacally. He had started to record this whole thing to send to my brother, but I was too idiotic to notice. "Please! Just leave me and my brother alone!" I cried out. I tried to get out of the ropes, but to no avail. I was scared for my life, really scared." Please.... Somebody help me..." I said, weeping. Tomura had stopped recording, and had, somehow found out a way to send this to my big brother.

THIS WAS THE BEST IDEA I COULD'VE HAD FOR THIS THING, I WILL HAVE TO THINK DEEEEEEEPLY ABOUT THE NEXT ONE.......... Idk what's gonna happen either.... I found this art on google and had thought...'HEY! this looks kinds like me!'

'HEY! this looks kinds like me!'

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Izuku's sister// The IncidentWhere stories live. Discover now