chapter 7

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My eyes opened and I took in all of my surroundings. I was in mine and Carlisle bedroom.
I had no idea what happened in remember being in the woods and then nothing just darkness.
I hoped that all my children were safe and that Edward didn't blame himself for Bella.

I slowly walked down the stairs and heard Elijah I hadn't seen him in a few years.
"Long ago I left your mother and my sister for a hundred years to travel and find who I am. But your mother being your mother never let's you go without a few words of inspiration she knew why I truly left I never felt like I belonged"
"Surely you did you had her and your sister" jasper said
I knew then that all of my family were here
"I did have them but I didn't feel welcome in the new life i had been given"
"Why" lexie said
"Because I never choose my life and wished it would all go away but your mother once told me. 'If ever there is a tomorrow when we are not together, there is something you must always remember , you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is......."
"Even if we are apart I will always be with you in your heart" I finished off

Everyone turned to me
"And though the days we are away will be the hardest as long as we are all still here you'll have a home to come back to" I smiled
"A home indeed" he smiled
Lexie jumped up and ran to me hugging me tightly
"Never leave me with bekah again"
"What did she do this time"
"She painted my face pink while I was sleeping"
I smirked
"Elijah dear where is that sister of yours"
"Hiding from you most likely" he said hugging and kissing my cheek.

One by one my family hugged me until it was just Edward, jasper and Carlisle
I walked over to Edward
"What happened was not your fault but what is to come will be dangerous and she will need all of help, so do not push her away my dear boy"
He smiled and kissed my cheek before hugging me

Then I was in a hug with jasper
"Thank you for finding me and brining me home" I said
He nodded and let me go

I looked over to Carlisle who opened his arms up and I ran into them and kissed him
"I have never been so worried in my life" he said holding me tightly
"I love you" I said
"And I you my darling" he said

We pulled away and sat on the couch me on his knee
"Know your awake how have you and my darling little niece been" Elijah asked
"Like we always have been dear, but I have to tell you something and I will only tell you once"
"And what is that" he smirked
"You were right" I said
"Was I now about what" he asked
"Sending lexie to Italy never happening again" I stated
He chuckled and we heard the door shut

"God can this place get anymore dull all the humans are dumb and all the shops are bland and I'm frickin starving" bekah bitched
"Nobody making you stay rebekah you are free to leave" I said
She gasped and seconds later she was in the living room tears rolling down her face
"Oh no, bekah please don't cry" I said speeding to her and hugging her
"I thought we really lost you this time. And I don't know what I would have done if we had"
"Oh rebekah, I'm not going anywhere. And anyway were willows and if one of us goes......." I started
Elijah and lexie stood up and we placed our hands in the middle of us
"We all go" the four of us said together
"It's kind of how it works my darlings me being your creator I die you die and you both are the only two I have ever turned and possibly will ever turn" I smiled

We all sat around talking for hours until lexie began to get tired
"Go to bed darling we'll all be here tomorrow" she nodded and sped upstairs
"You need to sleep too love" bekah said
"All four of us do"
"What" Edward said
"We are the only four vampires of our kind we can eat sleep drink and cry. But we don't have to do it as much as her children will until they turn eighteen" Elijah said
"You haven't slept once since I've known you" emmett said
"How long has it been since you've slept" bekah said
"Three weeks" I mumbled
"No wonder you passed out, you know you have to sleep at least twice a Week to keep your strength and power up" elijah said
"I erm didn't want to, these don't sleep and you know how I hate sleeping alone and will not ask Carlisle to hold me for hours while I sleep he'll get bored"
"Well tough your going to bed now gorgeous. Good night elijah, Rebekah. Kids your mother and I shall be down in the morning we are not to be distured unless absolutely necessary for your mother's health. And while we are upstairs those to can tell anything else we need to know" Carlisle said sweeping me in his arms and speeding upstairs.

When we got their he changed me into one of his shirts and then lead next to me in only his boxers. He covered us in a blanket and I laid my head on his chest as his arms wrapped round me
"You'll get bored holding me"
"I'll never tire of holding you now sleep my love and gather your strength we've had a stressful week. And we need you healthy not just for yourself but for our family as well darling"
"I love you Carlisle" I said sleepily as I slowly let the darkness take over.

Before I fully let it take over I heard him say
"And I love you baby always and forever"
In this second I knew that although we would face many hardships as long as our family stuck together we'd all be just fine.

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