One Big Family Part 8

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Since Jungkook had gone missing, BigHit had contacted his family in Busan.  His father and brother Junghyun were making the trip from South Korea to Los Angeles to help try and find his son.  They landed on the 3rd day of Jungkook's disappearance.  Still nothing had come through indicating what may have happened to him.  BigHit, BTS and the Jeon family had a big decision to make today.  There concert was only hours away.

          The Jeon's were in the suite when the boys came in shortly after followed by Manager Seijin and two Los Angeles Police Dept. Detectives working the case.  Once everyone was in the suite they sat around a table and made a conference call to Seoul putting Bang PD-nim in on the conversation.

"Detectives have you found any information that could lead us to where we can find Jungkook?" Said PD-nim

"Sir, no we have not.  We do think we may have a promising lead though.  About the time Jungkook went missing there was a young man picked up by a nurse in the vicinity of Staple Center but several blocks away.  He was found severely beaten and was taken to the hospital.  We haven't been unable to confirm his identity because his injuries were so severe it made identification almost impossible.  He also has been in a coma for the last couple of days so he has been unable to answer questions." said Detective Li.

          Jimin almost lost it thinking that was his Kookie.  He was seated next to Mr. Jeon who reach under the table and grabbed his hand and gave it a quick squeeze to tell him to collect himself.  Jimin wiped away the tears trying to form and sat up straight.  Mr. Jeon was fully aware of Jimin and Jungkook's relationship.  Jungkook came out to him when he and Jimin started dating.  While not 100% on board with the relationship, he couldn't deny how happy they made each other.  Jungkook loved to tell his dad how he pursued Jimin just like his mother pursued his dad.  Although, it really was Jimin who pursued Jungkook but he was too young and confused then.  It wasn't until Jimin gave up that Jungkook realized what he could lose.  Jimin sat stoically as he listened to the conversations being bantered about.  The Detective continued...

"We believe the person in the hospital could be Jungkook but until he wakes from the coma or is sufficiently healed enough to make a positive ID we have nothing else to go on. The young man in question did not have any I.D. on him and they only found what appears to be a reader card. It could be for a hotel but it could be for others things. It had nothing identifying it."

          Jimin sat quietly twirling the ring on his left ring finger.  The one that he and Jungkook exchanged on their 2nd anniversary.  Though they could never be married in Korea, the rings symbolized the same commitment they would make to each other as though they were married.  Jungkook didn't always wear his ring as sometimes he found them uncomfortable but Jimin never took that ring off.  It was everything to him.  He continued twirling it while looking down.

"Well thank you gentlemen.  I...we appreciate your information.  Please let us know when we will be able to see if the young man in the hospital is our Jungkook."

"Excuse me officers is there perhaps a chance I might be able to get into the hospital to see if the young man is my son?" Mr. Jeon asked hopefully.

"Well sir, he is in Intensive Care and his injuries were so severe that we almost weren't sure he would make it this far.  However, since he is in such critical condition we would like to take another day before we bring family in to try and identify him.  The nurses at the hospital have been taking tremendous care of him.  One nurse in particular seems to have taken quite the liking to him and has been visiting him frequently.  She was the one that found him.  We will let you know when it is a good time to go in.  Also, we wanted to let you know that we finished the investigation into Jungkook's room and have unsealed it.  We have taken into evidence anything that we felt would lead us to finding him."

          At that information alone Jimin's heart leapt a little.  He had been unable to see, touch, feel, or smell anything that belonged to Jungkook and there was so much he wanted in that room but there was more business to conduct once the officers left.

"Well boys we are at quite the crossroad.  We need to decide how we are dealing with the concert tonight and every night going forward until Jungkook is found.  You have sold out all of your venues so cancelling at this time is really not an option.  RM what have you boys been doing in preparation? asked PD-nim.

"PD-nim, we have been practicing as if we were just a 6-member group.  Though we will never be a 6-member group, we understand that we must perform as such.  Jungkook did it for Jimin when Jimin was sick in Japan last year, it's time we return the favor.  An announcement will be made just prior to the concert start time stating that due to an unforeseen illness Jungkook will not be able to perform tonight.  Euphoria has been cut from the set list and Taehyung and Jimin will pick up other Jungkook vocals.  They have practiced hard and will do very well tonight."  RM gave Jimin an encouraging smile.

          Jimin smiled a weak one back but nodded in agreement

"Bang-nim, I think our only question at this time as the managers is how do you want us to proceed going forward?  We are working with L.A.P.D and we have managed to keep this from the press but it will be in the press tonight when they find out Jungkook was too ill to perform.

"Well is it necessarily a lie that Jungkook is unable to perform?" PD-nim asks.

"No but I'm just wondering at what point do you want us to let the press know what is actually going on?" says Manager Seijin

"I'll let you know.  Right now?  Not now." PD-nim says.

"Okay then...  Thank you, sir.  We will continue to keep you informed." Once Bang PD-nim was off the phone, Manager Seijin addressed them all. "So, you understand, Jungkook is too ill to perform.  If anyone asks that is the stock answer.  Am I clear?"

All heads nodded.

"Good! Now go get ready.  You have a show to put on."

          Jimin was walking back to his room when he heard Junghyun call for him.

"Jimin-ah!  Wait, Jimin-ah! I want to talk to you." he said.

          It was amazing that with his back turned Jungkook's brother sounded almost exactly like him except maybe a bit deeper.

"Sure.  Let's go to my room."  They enter the room and Jimin sits in a chair at a table near the window and Junghyun takes the one opposite.

"How are you doing with all of this?  I am worried for you?" Junghyun asks.

"I'm getting through it.  It's so hard.  I miss him so much.  Sometimes the pain is unbearable and I just want it to end but it won't.  Not until I know what happened to your brother."  He sat stoically trying not to betray his true emotions in the moment.

"Hhun! (damn if he didn't sound just like him there) Yeah, well I know he loves you with every fiber of his being.  He was honest with me about that.  It was hard for him with Mom and Dad.  They meant well but, you know, they were trying to be progressive parents in a traditional Korean culture.  That's an oxymoron.  Jimin, if you believe nothing else in your life believe always that he couldn't possible love you more.  I believe he is out there and we will find him and he will come back to you.  Be strong...for him.  He needs you." Junghyun says.

"Thank you for that."  He gets up and walks over to Junghyun's chair and gives him a hug.  "I'll make sure this performance tonight is especially for him.  You're right, we will find him."

          BTS does its first of four dates at Staple Center and the show goes off without a hitch, except for the noticeably missing member...Jungkook.  Sure, ARMY was disappointed that Jungkook wasn't performing but they wanted him healthy and back soon.  BTS took strength from the audience and performed as if all 7 members were on that stage, but even ARMY noted that Jimin seemed just a bit off.  If they knew the truth they could forgive him but it would wind up being twitter fodder the next day.

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