A Glimpse Of Fortune

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"There it is again, those eyes, that look, again like every other day. Her innocent eyes threaten to flow with tears as she kept her head hung low, walking through the petrifying hallway clinging onto her bag tightly. 

(The hallway  or you can imagine it however you want )

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(The hallway  or you can imagine it however you want )

People kept on cursing you for your existence in the University. Some doubted how you ended up in such a place were only elite people attend to. Some said you bribed them body, some said you got admission as the authorities got bewitched by her beauty that no one can match to. Teachers hated her, students hated her, it seemed so that she herself hated her existence. 

Then again it seemed so that, bad luck had always been her best companion like a never-ending rain cloud of misfortune above her head. either it is falling in a muddy puddle on a rainy day or forgetting of her wallet at her home. Its always one or the other, black cats seemed to have an invisible thread of co-relation with her waiting to cross the road at the sight of her. Hence we can scientifically prove that bad luck is directly proportional to You i.e; Seo Y/ N. 

The bell suddenly rang you got out of your thoughts and walked towards your class after taking your books. 

"I need a person to help me with some work. Who would like to volunteer?" asked the professor.
Not a single hand in sight. Of course who would obviously want to waste their precious free time to help the lousy old man with his work? Y/N looked around to find no one raising their hand. Hesitantly she slowly raised her hand only to see the petrified look on the face of the professor and to see her classmates looking at her with relief on their faces as they won't have to raise their hands. "Ummm... I-Its fine Y/ N, y-you don't h-ha-have t-to. I can manage.", the professor said with fear of being under the same cloud of misfortune as her. Of course, it was quite clear that misfortune has always followed you, everywhere you went, also affecting the people who got acquainted with you. You slowly lowered your hand reuniting it with your fiddling fingers, knowing why he refused it. You saw all the others talking about his reply to you. "At least the pathetic creature came of some use to us," said her fellow classmates and started giggling, not even realizing that you were listening to their conversation. Your tears started to threaten from

falling down dripping on your hand. You tried to stop it by biting your little pink lips.
After the class ended, you bolted out of class in full speed with your bag,  gaining the attention of your classmates. You could breathe again after the suffocating episode in the class.
You started walking towards your locker recalling all the moments from the previous class when suddenly you realized that someone was following you. The hallway was empty, fear crawled up your spine ( spine breaker :) sorry couldn't help it). You picked up your pace.
You hurried up the stairs and felt relieved for the first time to see people. You rushed towards your locker and took whatever you needed, with blood still pumping at high speed at the thought if you are still being followed. Feeling the same presence again you were ready to make a run for it. Y/N turned to her right at high speed only to have high fived the locker door which was open with her forehead, once again proving what a wonderful companion bad luck was.
 The person, or to be more precise the girl who the locker belonged to, looked at Y/N who was on the floor with the 'WTF are you doing ?' face. Y/N looked back at her with an awkward plastered on her face. The other girl rolled her eyes and continued her work in her locker. 

Y/N shook her head with the feeling of being stalked, sprung up from the floor only to be reunited back with it like an unbreakable relationship with the floor. The feeling of fluttering butterflies and abrupt excitement which she felt at the stark moment was indescribubble [Anyone who thought of Omma Jin, put your haands uupp!!! :) ] it felt as if you touched an angel. 

What had actually happened was you HIT or more precisely had SMACKED YOUR FACE  on a strong chest which felt stronger than a wall, your nose went around the world in 0.5 seconds when your it got the strong scent of his cologne, you were in a world of your own when your eyes came into contact with his handsome face until your brain got smacked back to its senses when your butt hit the floor ruining your body's shock absorber . Your body was simultaneously celebrating your shock absorber's death anniversary after you fell for the 40th time in a single day. CREDITS: thanks to bad luck.

"Ouchhhhh!!!!!!!!!" You screamed in pain rubbing your back. "Oh my I'm so so sorry but I am in a rush. I am really sorry " he said while running to his goal. "Okeyyy... that ...was...weird. What was with that weird feeling in my stomach??"  she thought until she got disturbed from her thought by someone asking "A-Are you ok? " the same girl as before asked inspecting you for wounds with a sense of worry on her face. She helped you up and offered to help you to the nurse's office. You out of kindness and embarrassment turned down the offer. 

you dusted yourself with her help she introduced herself by saying "by the way I'm  kang Jennie You can address me as Jennie ." she put forward her hands in expectation of your shaking hands with her. Y/N felt happy and surprised at the same moment. She without hesitating shook hands with her forming a new bond of friendship."O-oh u-hmm n-nice to meet you, Jennie. I-I am Seo Y/N". 


"Hey there my Beautiful little Muffins Joker here " "hey I am not dead. Hey fellow human beings, Ace here " "Well let's leave it at that I hope you all enjoyed the loong chapter but we are sorry for telling you that the next chapter is gonna beee short!!"

Mianhae My muffins and fellow human beings.



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