Part 2

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I kept tossing and turning in bed all night, but by the time morning rolled in and the sunlight seeped in through the curtains, I was exhausted. I dragged myself out of bed and had a quick shower. Once I thought I looked decent enough to step out of my room, I decided to duck under my hoodie and make my way to class. Only when I opened my room door did I remember that Chase was always waiting for me outside literally every single day. But it was too late to turn back now, as my room door was already open and Chase was looking directly at me.

He actually brushed his hair for once, as it looked neater than usual, and he was wearing a red hoodie with navy blue jeans and red sneakers. He was smiling brightly before, but as he took notice of my appearance, it turned into a slight frown.

"Did you just get back from the underworld?" he asked trying to make a joke, but I wasn't laughing. Heck, I doubt he even saw me smile.

"I didn't get any sleep," I said locking my door, and fast walking it to campus. "So don't annoy me today."

I thought I made it clear to him, but I guess he didn't get the message. He joined me on my walk and didn't stop talking.

"Was it because of the kiss that we shared last night?" he mused. "I can assure you, I didn't get much sleep last night either."

That was it. I couldn't take it any longer.

"What is your problem?" I lashed out on him, unable to hold back. "Why can't you leave me alone? Can you not see that I am not interested in your fairytale or any other fairytale for that matter? Just mind your own business and stay out of mine."

"What is my problem?" he repeated, pulling at my arm and stopping me in my tracks. "What is your problem? I'm the one that confessed about my attraction towards you. I kissed you last night, and if I'm not mistaken, you kissed me back. So why do you have a problem with me trying to get to know you?"

"I didn't ask you to like me. You've been following me around ever since the first day that I got here. And I never asked you to kiss me. Why don't you just leave me alone? I don't want you to get to know me..."

"I got here the same day as you," he said pulling me closer to him, not so gently. "I was only trying to be a friend, seeing as we both got here the same time. And what problem do you have with fairytales? I know you're not like every other girl, but in all this time, I've never seen you smile once, let alone laugh. Why do you keep yourself so reserved and away from people?"

"What do you mean not like every other girl?" I asked a bit uncomfortable with his questions. "You have no right to judge me. You don't even know me..."

"Exactly why I was trying to get to know you," he said, letting go of my arm and stepping back. "But I guess I was just wasting my time. You clearly have things to deal with, and I don't think I want to get in your way."

He turned and started walking away, but stopped and turned around. He gave me one long look and then asked me the one question I didn't have the answer to.

"Do you even believe in love?"

"I think love is overrated," I replied after a while, looking directly at him. I could feel tears stinging the back of my eyes, as flashbacks crossed my mind.

"Yeah," he huffed out a breath. "That's what I thought."

And with that he walked away, leaving me standing there with long lost memories that I wished I didn't have to remember. I thought that I had closed the chapter on that dreadful night, but I guess I was wrong. I quickly rushed to the toilet as I felt tears streak down my cheek. I never cried in front of people, and I hadn't cried in a long time. But it was much needed as I hated my past, and it all came flooding back.

The girl's toilet was empty for once, fortunately for me. Usually it's bustling with girls who are either fixing their hair or makeup, but it's like they all knew not to be there as I needed the space alone. I went to the corner stall and locked myself in. All I could hear was the screaming and shouting of my parents inside my head. I shut my eyes in order to block it off, but it was no use. When I opened my eyes however, I found myself staring at my parents. Like a blast into the past, I was standing by the living room door listening in to my parents' conversation.

"Why don't you just shut up," my dad shouted at my mum.

"Why don't you shut your stupid mouth," my mum shouted back.

I was always there standing by the door, watching my parents fight, and they didn't even care. They wouldn't even speak to me, let alone themselves, and whenever they spoke to each other they would end up fighting. At least they had the decency to not swear while I was around.

But Tony fulfilled that part for them. He was a guy at my High School that came to my rescue when I almost gave up on life; little did I know that he was just playing around. He was a jerk from the start, but I still fell for him because he was the only one that showed love towards me, even if it was fake. The only love I got from my parents was that they let me come into this world alive.

My mum got pregnant while she was still in High School, and my dad who got her pregnant was a year senior than her. They went to the same school and fell in love. It was young love and it ended in my mum being pregnant with me. She told my dad when she found out, and he freaked out. He told her he didn't want anything to do with her or me, but he knew full well that it was half his responsibility. My mum never finished High School and she married my dad right after I was born. But since they got married, all they've done is fight.

At first it was only my dad that complained about everything going wrong in his life, and that he could have done so much, but he was stuck because of me and mum. And then as I got older, my mum chipped in with her complains. I was only 5 when they stopped caring about me being in front of them when they argued and fought. And that wasn't even the worse part. I was 14 years old when I mustered up the courage to confront my parents. I wanted to ask them why they always fought, and the reply I got back completely turned my world upside down.

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